Up to 100 valuable documents guarded in Santa Sede they are going away to exhibit for the first time in public. The sample will be abrir in the Capitolinos Museums of Rome. The exhibition will be open from February to September of 2012. Between documents, they emphasize the acts of the process to Galileo Galilei and data on the married cause of Enrique VIII of England. The Vatican discovers its secrets. At least, some. Up to 100 valuable documents guarded in Santa Sede, that go from century VIII to century XX, they are going away to exhibit for the first time in public in the exhibition ' Lux in arcane.
The Secret File the Vatican descubre'. The sample will be abrir in the Capitolinos Museums of Rome in February of the next year. ' Lux in arcana' (light on the mystery) Secretary of State was presented/displayed east Tuesday by the cardinal, Tarcisio Bertone; the mayor Rome, Gianni Alemanno, and prcto of the Secret File, the bishop Pagan Sergio, on the occasion of the 400 anniversary of the foundation of that file on the part of the Pope Pablo V in 1612. Between documents, they emphasize acts of the process to Galileo Galilei (1616-1633), that contains all the papers of that judgment gathered by the Congregation of Santo Oficio; as well as the letter of the members of the English Parliament to Merciful Pope VII on the married cause of Enrique VIII (1530). One is a parchment signed by 83 parliamentarians, between lores and members of the House of Commons, in which asks to him that the it more soon annuls possible marriage with Catherine de Aragon. Another one of the documents that will be exhibited is the Dictatus papae of Gregorio VII (1073-1085), 27 proposals dictated by that Pope on the supremacy of the Pontiffs. It also emphasizes a letter done with crust of birch sent by the Pierre Pilsemont, j of the tribe of American Indians of Ojibwe, also known like Chippewa, to Pope Leon XIII, in which it calls " to him; Great teacher of the plegarias, who makes the functions of Jess" and he is thankful to him to have sent to his tribe plegarias.