Somebody already saw a drink bottle walking alone, to go until a small table, and to place themselves there? Clearly that not! Then, it can be prevented. the cup, will be that it has proper locomotion? Medite in the force that GOD placed on you to lead the things and not to be lead by them. Ambulant bottle It puts wall against it, it builds against it blockhouses, it raises against it junk and it puts against it arraiais and rams in redor. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 4:2. No drink, Can cure the wound, Who is in the Soul; alone if calms, With a Conjunct. However, you say, then: I never prayed in the life, and because in this suffered hour, It would go to pray? Because, To pray, He is always if to occupy, With important things, That do not leave the travellers, Without protection, When the children of the temptation, Try to come close themselves. He is in the empty hour, That the hell empties, All its darts, to leave neglected, the Human beings, That if feel to the abandonment; But they are not. It gives a peep, For next ruela, and you will see that piles of insects, In its ceilings, also are protected. They do not pray, But always they collaborate, With its life, Showing each Human being To be, That everything has skill.
Month: June 2012
Europe Decay
According to Maquiavel, in its workmanship the Prince: ‘ ‘ he defended that the monarch would have to use any way? allowed or not? to keep the control of its reino’ ‘ The phrase that summarizes its ideas is: ‘ ‘ The ends justify meios’ ‘ In against departure we have great controversies to this respect, that retrace to the thinkers Karl the Marx and Frederich Engels, who had formulated theories on the basis of the historical materialism (that is, that they have as approach the fight of classrooms) pointing that the power of the State serves basically to the interests of the classrooms that control the means of production. Inside of the marxist perspective, therefore, the power politician centered for the device of the State possesss bonds with the economy and the way as the men produce the ways of its survival.
However, Burns, in the sample inside of its workmanship the Age of the Absolutism, an analysis of the reinforcement of absolutism after 1500 would be: The support of new agencies of government; sustendo of the wars, therefore fortified the power of the state; the Protestant Revolution that endorses the real onipotncia. We see that the absolutism took root for bringing in its abilities the organization and unit the Europe. In its narration the author says of the decay of the monarchy absolutist in England; standing out to be only European country where the absolutism enters in decay before 1789 being the order reasons politics, economic and religious, inside of the studies of the author. With Pilett we go to retrocede in the time, before decay of the absolutism in England, thus to understand its reasons: The centralization of the power in England occurred with the coroamento of Enrique II that soon Heart of Lion (1189-1199) of the ten years of its government was succeeded by its Ricardo son, Ricardo absented of England per nine years, leading the third cruzade and fighting in the European continent.
Rio De Janeiro
3. The first lumber the activity lumber, of the form as it presents itself today, arrived at the territory that belongs Is Domingos in the year of 1970. The lumber primeiroempresrio that arrived and implanted a company of the branch here, was umsenhor Spaniard consolidated in Brazil, that previously was technician in montagemde metallic structures for Petrobra’s. Migrou of Rio De Janeiro for Amazonian aregio in the year of 1970, after knowing that the government would federalconstruiria a road tearing the forest and binding to the region to the Center-South dopas and to the exterior. This exactly entrepreneur arrived at the city of Empress noMaranho saw Belm-Brasilia road, stops there of dislocating until Apinags debarco and with the disassembled saw-of-ribbon, therefore, the river still was the principalvia of access between these two cities. Of Apinags for They are Domingos, sawmill was carried in trucks. The company was mounted to the edges of the old track of aviaode Is Domingos, where she started to only function after the darodovia inauguration Transamaznica, more necessarily in the year of 1972. They were exploradosprincipalmente the mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla) and the Wood-yellow one (Euxylophoraparaensis), known regionally as ' ' amarelo' '.
Asexploraes was mainly made in areas of the owners of great castanhais, the ones that liveed in Marab, having been that in the distance average between sawmill and the explored area km reached a 30 at the beginning ray of, arriving 70km in the Eighties. The production was exported, mainly, to countries dEuropa, as England (bigger consumer of the mahogany sawed in Is Domingos), France and Spain. Therefore, he is valid to affirm that the open roads naregio, as Belm-Brasilia, PA-70 and Transamaznica, had been to the doors deentrada for a new productive model that if transformed into the main atividadeeconmica of use of the ground, according to Verssimo, Rasp, Lentini (2002). SoDomingos was not outside, also was enclosed in the roll of the areas the seremexploradas ones.
Japanese Bobtail
There are more than 50 races of cats and all of them with different characteristics that they make them unique to the eyes of its owners. Some are product of the natural evolution, whereas others are the fruit of concerted efforts of genetic selection that they look for to perfect or to emphasize some distinguishing characteristics. We could say that there are cats for all the pleasures. Perhaps strangest it is the Sphynx, or Canadian cat without hair, whose development was product of a natural mutation and was observed for the first time in Canada in the decade of 1960. Although it seems that it does not have hair, in fact yes has, but one is a very subtle mantle that the ideal companion for allergic people does of this cat. Who is their owner will be with an extremely amiable creature, affectionate and very sociable, perfect for reduced atmospheres, since she does not need too much space to retozar. In a point opposed in the scale we have the Persians, race that is originated from the cat of Angora in England towards century XIX. It is a very showy cat, of forms cleared and massive.
Its more remarkable characteristic is its flat nose, that gives a very graceful appearance him. Its body is covered with very dense coat, that can have different colors, more than two hundred recognized officially, and has a very hairy tail. If we spoke of calm personages, this it is the cat to choose. Owner of a calm beauty, is extremely sociable and he takes very well with the people. Another cat very apt for the coexistence with the humans is the Burmilla, also owner of a beautiful coat.
Unlike the Persian cat, the coat of the Burmilla is short and compact, but it is a cat of wide chest and cleared head. The race was developed recently and documented towards year 1994. It can live in interiors, but it needs space to play. We can find in Chinchilla color, that it is basic target with the dark ends, combined with precious eyes of green color. This race seems a strange mixture between cat and rabbit, since its tail is short and seems pompn. One is the Japanese Bobtail, a race that according to says tradition, brings luck. It is between the smaller races of cats, because in his adult state it does not reach great proportions. The admitted colors are many, but in which they have the landlord Go the basic characteristics is that they have a spot on an eye, that sometimes can seem a patch. Some units can have the eyes of different color.
Cristina Kirchner
JOSE BRECHNER Cristina Kirchner stopped liking long ago. The president is entering the desperation. Two of their secretaries resigned to their positions, nearest her, their deprived secretary, by accusations of illicit enrichment. It also is being questioned next to her husband by the same reason to the increased salary her fortune since they arrived at the power in more than 500 percent. The inflation and the poverty are darkening to Argentina announcing the prelude of which it can be a great crisis. When the vacations of summer finish, people return to the work and discover that the prices of basic products raised as much that it will not allow to take a decent life them, will be generalized displeasure that can happen in social appearance. Cristina seized of the bottoms of the Treasure to pay debts. Warning of which new default also is possible.
The authoritarian agent chief executive considers that their subjects are stupid and makes commentaries degrading making fun of of her intelligence. The K is taking its vividness to levels inconceivable. In the last weeks it declared that ” the meat raised due to lluvias” , days later it added that they would have to eat pig being added that: ” the pig ingestion improves the activity sexual” , and the most unusual and cristinesca answer of all, against the generalized critics: ” They bark Sancho signal that they are perros”. Insults and contempt by its compatriots who in contrast to their government are giving to an example of civilidad and not very often seen containment, staying consequent with the democracy, no matter how hard this one I stop existing since the governing group does literally what it gives the desire him. It is the dictatorship of the party, with freedom but without law nor security. Just as it happens in the other progressive countries: Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador. The Argentine situation is bad and can become worse.
In order to turn aside the attention and to stimulate one forced national unit, as General Leopoldo Galtieri to beginning of the 80 tried when the military dictatorships arrived at their total wearing down, president is defying to England reopening the sore on the power of the Falklands Islands (Falkland Islands). The last soundings indicate that in the marine platform of the place petroleum exists and to Cristina water is becoming him the mouth. It issued a presidential decree that says: ” All ship that sets out to journey between ports located in continental Argentina and the Falklands or to cross Argentine territorial waters to the Falklands, or to load merchandise between these ports, will have to ask for previous authorization to the Government argentino”. If the president thinks to intimidate the British and tries that the Argentine army – al that the extremists of their turn destroyed leaves to defend it, it can take disagreeable surprises. With her country she will know until where she can play. The Peronists have done what they have wanted with the Argentineans hoisting the image of his extinct leader, who leftist, rightist, dictators and democrats use to their convenience. But he thinks that he can intimidate the English, is committing his last error.
UFCG Research
I come back to dream of new. He had that to travel all the nights of Picu to the Great Campina in a bus that broke day yes, day not. But, exactly thus he was valid to the penalty, because I was one more time in my universe. The academic universe. In my academic research I looked for to ahead analyze the positions of diverse didactic books of the problematic one of the environment related with the social matters. These research had provided to many reflections and a panoramic vision to me of the diverse initiatives in this area, with performance in the national scope. Many questions needed ahead to be answered of the noticed expansion of this possibility of joint between the social and real world and ' ' mundo' ' of didactic books. When it lacked one year to conclude the graduation in history I knew my current husband soon and engravidei again.
I faced plus a risk pregnancy. I passed six months of license, and at the beginning of 2003 I was glue degree. Finally a dream carried through between as much gone and comings of my life. After – graduation With the objective to give to pursuing my research and the necessity to carry through plus a dream, in the year of 2007 I concurred for a vacant in the mestrado course of in History in the UFCG of great campina, the line Culture and City and was approved. After paying the chairs of the course, it remained the dissertao. However, one more time, the destination would conspire against me: my person who orientates Fbio Gutemberg suffers an accident from automobile and came to falecer. Without person who orientates and also without much time to continue with the research, I finished postponing the dream to become me master in history. After two years without studying, return, one more time to the academy to attend a course a specialization in Education.
Summer Entertainment
Such conception is reaffirmed by Reads (2000, p.30) when says that: The proper economic interests are confirming that today it is preserved in attendance to the requirements of the tourism, the great one modern industry, that maneja incredible amounts while it goes forging in the visited small farms, defining images to the times, reviveds and of apt regional cultural peculiarities to be always despertando the curiosity of the eager travellers of new features. Therefore They are Jose de Ribamar to be considered as an excellent example of who knows to preserve its natural and cultural patrimony, using to advantage, also, all its tourist potential (ecoturismo, artesanato, local gastronomia and religious tourism) in sufficiently responsible way, as it affirms the news of the City hall of Are Jose de Ribamar (2009, P. 22). However, making a rocking of the tourist sector of So Lus, the former secretary of tourism of the State, Martins Joo Grandson, in interview to the Cazumb Periodical (SECRETARY, 2009, p.3), says that: If it cannot deny exactly that the sector of entertainment of the maranhense capital has not evolved, that is the short steps. But, it is clearly, that still it needs to improve very to take care of of satisfactory form all that it searchs. Therefore if the demand exists, what it is lacking is investment in this segment that has grown each time more. In this direction, it is opportune to detach, that some forms of entertainment in the city exist, such as the diverse houses of shows spread by So Lus; the festivals, as the Maranho Forr Fest, the Expoema and the Festival of Summer, that englobam different rhythms and had started to be part of the fixed calendar of events of the city; as well as micaretas, as it is the case of the Marafolia, that already happens has 15 years in the city, and significantly increase the flow of tourist in the place.
Fat Great
They ran to run away from the rain that in the horizon already left its nugget to fall in the land. Already it passed of the half of the afternoon when a strong rain started to fall. Great nugget fall to the ground playing the sand in great altitudes. It took them to Beoriano for a hole in a dry, distant tree of the ground to be protected of rain. Gordon if leaned the internal wall of the tree and was thoughtful. The great indetermination started to take account of its being. It thinks if it was valid the penalty to take its friends for an adventure insane person. The afternoon already was arriving at the end when rain stopped.
All had left and when they went to say farewell itself to Beoriano looked at it them and said that he would go with also. When the sun started to appear the group followed way, at least, until the mantle of the night to fall. There it are some fine nugget fall of the foliages with balancing of the wind. The travellers, now, with plus a member, alaram flight. For a good time they had flied low, almost rente to the soil. They deviated and they skirted hollow rocks, trunks, roots, among others obstacles that found in the way. They had flied the afternoon all. When the mantle of the night started to be discovered in the horizon the hung group arrived at a great red thick wall with some grassy ones.
In the way it thick wall dived safe for a confusion of interlaced roots a hollow trunk forms a type of bugles. When Fat person posou, Gardenio if played in the soil and started to kiss the ground.