The respective agency adopts this concept with the purpose to standardize it enters the integrant countries. In this way, to facilitate the research, and, consequentemente the attainment of quantitative and qualitative data, in the direction of assisting in tracing parameters, thus being able, leveling the planejamentos in this area. It is noticed, however that in general terms the tourism while social phenomenon unifies, rescues, it values, it consolidates the patrimonial values and cultural of the peoples, with capacity of perpassar the interests economic politicians and, when it allows and it makes possible the social inclusion of all layers. Such factors are forceful for the transformation and perfectioning of the citizens. How much to the segment of the cultural tourism, it was verified that since the primrdios the culture also occupied an excellent paper justifying the reasons by which the trips were carried through.
It is observed, however that with passing of the time modifications how much to the form had occurred, how much the number of travellers and also its motivations. In such a way, one understands the possible influences in the behavior of being and making of the human beings, however it is verified that all the peoples withhold proper culture, capable to instigate the interest for knowing them. It has that to mention the relation of the religiosidade with the cultural aspects, a time that the tourism practised in the Average Age occurred and grew basically for the peregrinations to the Jerusalem under motivation of the faith. Later, the discovery of the tomb of the Apstolo Is Thiago, initiated other peregrinations, that is, to make the Way Santiago de Compostela. Not obstante, these displacements were motivated mainly by the faith.