Data Protection

Data protection is a branch of the right’s recent creation formed by all those legal standards that regulate how they must collect, treat and cede the so-called personal data of natural persons (any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person), in order to protect the privacy and other rights fundamental of the holder of the data. Basically, the protection of data in Spain is regulated in legal norms: directive. Source: MP for Northampton North. Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals as regards the processing of personal data and on the free movement of these data.? Organic law. Law 15/1999 of 13 of December of protection of data of a personal nature.? Regulation. Royal Decree 1720 / 2007, of 21 December, which approves the regulation of development of the organic law 15/1999, of 13 December, of protection of data of character staff. Instructions of the Spanish Agency of data protection.

One of the functions of the Agency is the dictate instructions and recommendations adequacy of treatments to the LOPD, in this regard, the Agency has drafted eight instructions affecting different aspects relating to certain processing operations. Other standards. There are other legal rules governing without being directly related to the protection of data some aspects applicable in certain areas, such as for example the rights of subscribers and users of telecommunications services regulated by the General Law of telecommunications (GLT) and the rights of recipients of electronic communications covered by the law of services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSI) thereforein adapting a Spanish organization with legislation on data protection must take into account not only the organic law and its regulations, but also the instructions of the Spanish Agency of data protection that apply and those other rules that might regulate aspects that affect the treatment of the personal data in the sector of activity concerned..


This is the first win for you. Step #3: When you’re happy with you, recovers your partner now!! It is time to show you. Once you’re well with yourself your next step is to contact your ex, although this is not usually necessary since at this point your ex probably already you contacted. This must be done carefully so that not him show your ex that you are needy / to see what / to. The contact must be preferably with a phone call.

You need to have a plan for the call and for this you must learn many things. Step #4: Make sure you forgive and forget you have to concentrate well on this part. You need to be polite and not criticize nor claim absolutely nothing. Here it is the moment in which the maturity comes into play. Without correcting your behaviour it makes no sense in blaming your former partner. To communicate and meet with your ex you must act as if neither of them has committed no error or anything bad.

This will cause your partner to think much about it. Do not try, give neither a step without tricks in the mind learns more extraordinary seduction tricks to retrieve your partner very easily! Doing click here step #5: You do not act by obligation by Mira guilt, we all do things that we are not proud. However, make sure that you are not trying to recover your partner for the sole reason to amend an error. You can amend without get romantically involved again with that person. Nor let them make you feel guilty or feel that you must rescue them. Retrieves your partner out of love and nothing else. Step #6: Motive, you do not sofoques. If you can’t come back with your partner for any reason, at least encourage you to be a better person too. Tell them that you are happy for him / her and then returns to your life. You do not sofoques, no pressures, no you acoses. Don’t try to change them by force. All these actions you away from your ex and you’re not going to win him back. Step #7: Smart in how manage the situation need to have a strategic plan to guide you on your way to win back your ex.

Ivan Peter Blacksmith Saints

A leader nor always is detainer of being able formal, however, possesss a natural approval on the part of the led ones, for having been elect without any institucional formality, for having been chosen as reference. FINAL CONSIDERAES the work require one approximately tero of all the available time for the life. To work is simultaneously a fantastic and paradoxical experience because it provides moments of intense satisfaction, and causes sensations of belongs and pride, but also it seems to provoke the will to prevent it. The founder of the psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, argued that the bases of the humanity had been aliceradas by the love and the work. For it, the love and the work were the primordial beddings of auto-esteem and the pleasure in living, and that the communion of both, could take the satisfaction. Psychology organizacional and of the work, interested in the relations human beings, figure as the solution for the cited enigma previously and corroborates with the argument of the illustrious psychoanalyst. New horizontes of modern organizacional psychology prospectam promising scenes for the interpersonal development and the interpersonal relations, in the measure where it dedicates attention for the particularitities without neglecting the set. After all, what it composes a organizacional environment are the people.

To visualize the organizations as surrounding livings creature brings advantages for the management, the business, the collaborators. Thanks to this revolution of ideas and perceptions that the organizations can appreciate definitive rejected virtues in the industrial age, and that they are essentially indispensable for the organizations of modernity. (As opposed to John Bercow MP). The flexibility of duties, the unknown possibility of interchange of functions, the bonanza priority of the creativity, the unconditional contribution, solidarity, and production and the interchange of ideas, everything this, are new scenes of modern organizacional psychology. ‘ ‘ rhythm conducted for batuta’ ‘ of organizacional psychology it transmits the certainty of that the work relations are redesigned. The result, over all, summarizes in motivation and fertility of ideas. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that in this compass, many activities whose aspect technician is uninteresting for its nature, will be able to become immensely significant and attractive if its social aspect will be simply excellent. REFERENCES GOLEMAN, D.

What makes to leader? Harvard Business Review, P. 102. ten. 1998. MAILHIOT, Dynamic G.B. and gnese of the groups. So Paulo: Two Cities, 1976. MCGREGOR, D. Managing the Side Human of the Company. So Paulo: Qualitymark, 2002. P. 192. MOSCOVICI, F. interpersonal Development: energy in the group: tension and interpersonal conflict. Rio De Janeiro: Jose Olympio. 2004. P. 145-147. NEWSTROM, J.W. organizacional Psychology: the human behavior in the work. Translation: Ivan Peter Blacksmith Saints. Ed. 12. So Paulo: McGraw-Hill, 2008, p.508. ROBBINS, S.P. organizacional Psychology: conflict and negotiation.

Play Dice

question from the English blog: For a long time in physics continued controversy between Einstein and quantum physics: is everything in the pre-determined (determinism) or not (non-determinism). On the one hand performs experiment affects the results, on the other – in nature everything is predetermined, as is seen by Einstein in macrocosm. Einstein said that "God does not play dice with the universe," to which his friend, a supporter of quantum mechanics replied: "Do not tell God what he should do." While Einstein feels nature as God, in very Qabalistically, quantum mechanics tells us that the observed depends on the observer, also is in Qabalistically. Einstein never would agree that God plays dice with the universe, and he was able to construct a theory of gravity based on determinism, but he never created similar to what is around tiny electrons and protons, for electric fields. You may want to visit Michael Ellis MP to increase your knowledge. He was looking for a general unified theory of the four forces, but found that, as quantum physicists for its part is still not able to achieve this. My question is, what position Kabbalah is in this dispute, or the way it does not matter if you're guided by the higher powers? Answer: There are two systems of control over us, the general and private, and HVYH Elokim, and a person must combine them in yourself, having risen in their higher perception of time, space and movement. Then the contradictions coincide and complement each other. And before that there is no way to answer the question of whether the Creator to create a stone that will not be able to raise. .

Postman Or Newsletter?

Letters and newsletters in comparison: A direct comparison between mailman and newsletters clearly benefits of the newsletter: the efficiency of the newsletter is higher because higher relevance, improved response rates and a detailed success control can be achieved at a considerably lower cost. The advantages of newsletters at a glance: 1 increase response rates as a general rule: the higher the response rate, the better reaching the target group with its range. While conventional post a small percentage with an average 0.5-3% to the respective programme, respond to a personalized, individual content newsletter filled with with a rate of 5-7% on average more than twice the number of addressed. 2. speed and timeliness of establishing a high-quality customer information pass to arrive at the receiver including printing and shipping an average one to two weeks. Electronically, however, can the content within one to two days maximum be created and reach a few seconds after sending the email of the recipient’s mailbox.

The big advantage is the ability to respond quickly to events. For example, The current financial market crisis has entrepreneur with many problems faced personnel reductions, Bank negotiations, etc. 3. evaluation of marketing activity of each electronic newsletter delivers the shipper-valuable information that can be evaluated in contrast to the traditional post using specific statistical functions and harnessed for the next shipment. This allow meaningful analysis of the behavior of the recipient: how many recipients have received the newsletter? What contributions have interested readers? What reader reactions were there? How often do I forwarded the newsletter? Customer magazine by mail will be sent on the other hand, the insurer has no options percentage to understand how many recipients the mail actually received, what topics they particularly interested in have and whether they have recommended the company.

4. profiling and data mining permit the above possibilities for evaluating information – especially click – and on registration rates for the individual contributions – a compilation of individual customer profiles and a needs-based, target group segmentation. The Newsletterinhalte be individualized by data mining using analog interests read in previous newsletters. “” So who last for example is three shipments mainly for this post RechtsschutzCorner: Alliance answers business questions “has interests, future information about legal protection and D & O issues and who for example, the contribution of asset protection in the family business” has clicked, still current posts in this area receive. This produces a higher attention to the interested parties and leads to increased response and on reporting rates. 5. significant cost savings a high-quality post dispatch with, for example, 2,000 Including printing, handling and postage costs letters between 600 and 1,000 euros. Insurers with same number of recipients can save with a price of 300 euros between 25 and 50% of the costs in an electronic newsletter. This medium completely required material and printing costs. The newsletter is not a complete substitute for the customer information by Post Auch if the newsletter in comparison has many advantages, it is not the best option in any case. A high-quality crafted customer journal especially impresses with its haptic. Therefore, it makes sense to not completely attributable to the print medium to the past. Target should be the right balance of both customer contact opportunity. Alfons Breu