The narrator leaves clearly also that the occidental people are the people who thus think, more not they, not them people who during years had coexisted an administered price of everything, and with a difficult life, now the things are easy, however, they do not obtain to admit that the people impose them such attitude, such fact, this make in them to relembrar the episode of the beer already cited the top, where the narrator criticizes the economy. One another important aspect that we see in elapsing of the history, is the division of classrooms that exists, this division of classrooms always is dealt with explicit way, and this occurs since the start of the narrative, therefore always we have Mr. von Ribbeck, the peasants, the coachmen, the soldiers, the controllers, the heads of the cooperative, and the occidental people. The arrival of the occidental people and the fall of the wall in them more leave the accented social matter. Therefore it passes then the narrator throughout its speech, in showing to this division and to them it also makes it one criticizes to the capitalist system and the socialist system. The great one it doubts that it is also the one that route to after take the fall of the wall, this the narrator says in them when during its speech it says that: the false battle finally was decided, and that luck that we were not winning them, this you can say well high, therefore now we are unified, we are not more enemy, excellent! (…) as we go to continue? (Delius, 1991, p.74/75) the false battle that the author cites we can say that one is not only about the division of Germany, as well as of the world-wide division between the two blocks capitalist and socialist, that is the Fria.A War cold war it was the world-wide bipolarization, it is called cold war because it did not have no armed conflict, only a world-wide tension if it would have war or not, the Cold War was the main cause of the division of Germany.