Once upon a time many years ago I began my work in advertising designer. Like the vast majority of people, I believed in the fact that if the advertisement is a beautiful and professionally done, then this is sufficient. All my customers believe it is my job and was evaluated according to how it is made visually, how much it informative, well etc. It was with this baggage I came into e-commerce, and that's why I was in the beginning just tortured and complete failure confusion about the causes of problems. Later years later, I saw clearly how deeply pervade modern advertising business lies and millions spent entirely in vain for money. Did you know that the vast majority environmental efficiency of your advertising has efficiency no higher than 1-2%? Do you believe in something that big, medium and small business generally because of their lack of understanding of the principles of effective advertising, spending more than 80% of money on advertising budgets "under the cat tail '? I had not believed, but now I see clearly the truth and the ins and outs of many advertising agencies-bred. For these reasons, this article may help you in one of two effects: Either you open and penetration to the above that will result in global changes in your business life and as quickly as possible to achieve success; Or you just leave in the resistance, doubt and rejection of what was said on. I want to warn that if went to the second reaction and Are you so sure that everything you know about advertising and achieved the results you want, you better stop reading this article right now. .