The company offers assistance in Getin2China visa extension in China without having to leave the country. TYPES OF VISAS: L – tourist visa, F – Business Visa (also issued for short-term educational programs), Z – work visa, X – study visa. HIGHLIGHTS: Apply for a visa in China can be directly at the consulates / embassies of China, or through travel agentstva.Srok the passport must be at least 6 months before the expected date Trip to China for a tourist (L) visa is required only basic information about you. The tourist visa is valid for 30 days from the date of entry, but may be extended for 60 days on the basis of statements of extension to the local Public Security Bureau (Public Security Bureau). To get a working visa (Z) Official letter of invitation issued by the Municipal Bureau of Beijing business; For a business visa (F) if provide an invitation from your business partner in China, as well as an official invitation letter issued by the Municipal Bureau of Beijing business, to visit the closed city in China to receive special permit (permit) in the Division of entry / exit at the Office of Public bezopasnosti.Dlya trip to Tibet require a separate visa. DATE OF RENEWAL OF VISAS: L (tourist) visa – extension of 1-2 months; L (tourist) visa – extension 6-12 months, only to relatives and family members; F (business) – extension to 06/03/12 months with 1 / 2 / multiple entry; Z (working) – extension (including renewal of residence permits and the implementation work foreigner in China); X (training) the extension to 6-12 months with multiple entry, REPLACEMENT AND EXTENSION OF VISAS: L / F to F 6 months with one entry L / F to F 6 months with two entrances L / F to F 6 months multiple entry L / F to Z (working visa) 1 year with multiple entry L / F on X (Student Visa) 6 and 12 months with multiple entry..