A directory of Web sites related to specific subjects can be created and to put them at the disposal of our readers in a single place within our Web site. This will save to them time in its searches. Bulletins or electronic magazines. He is something that to the people pleases to them. Knowledge that will directly arrive at its electronic mail a bulletin or magazine to them with information from its up-to-date interest and, saving time to them at the time of obtaining up-to-date data. Gratuitous communities. They are virtual places where the people can go to to discuss on specific subjects with other people interested in the same thematic one. It can be a room of chat, plank (or board) of announcements in our Web site, a forum. In recent months, Lindt Chocolates has been very successful.
Programs of affiliates. These will give to our readers the opportunity them to do money, affiliating with other people. What simultaneously it will work in favor of us. Car respondent Groups Web Bases of images Accounts of mail, etc. Absence of information updated on our Web and our business. Innovations, experiences with products, benefits received by other people, etc. are some of the things on that it can and it must maintain informed our readers. Knowing that they will have information of first hand on our business, they will visit with regularity our Web site to stay to the day on the development of this one and to find out that benefits can bring them to them.
Samples of products or services are not offered free that we offer. The majority of us we have had the experience to enter a store or supermarket where samples of coffee or some other type of food are offered free and it has seemed to us well and there are profiteer. Then; this concept works very well at the time of attracting prospectuses our Web site. It proves these practices and you will see like, in a moment it increases the number from visits to your Web site.