The orientation of the Mountain range of the Sea that he is same of the south coast to the direction Southwest-Northeast, of to the front the similar position, not arriving to exceed the cited mountain range. However, if the polar anticyclone will be powerful, the Atlantic Polar Front keeps a Northwest-Southeast orientation, capable to win the Mountain range of the Sea and to peregrinar quickly until the Bahia. Visa in the initial in case that, where consecutive rains in the south coast happen and after that they will be scarce in the same coastal. Thus being, the first fact characterizes the dry years, as it happens with certain frequency in the humid years. Therefore, I analyze to follow, with definitive detail, the mass equatorial continental of the secondary circulation in both the facts, enter the latitudes of 15 0. In the first fact Atlantic Polar Front in its northward passage has initially an orientation the Northwest – Southeastern. Under the consequence of the intense radiation in the continent, it assents in its branch occidental person a dilution and polar air feels convection. However, the eastern branch persists in the ocean with Southwestern orientation – Northeast.
This new disposal transcorre of the preference of the polar mass of circulating in the ocean, as the south coast of Brazil possesss Southwestern orientation – Northeast, the fronts, in this in case that, having little energy, it adopts cited the sensible one there. With this alignment the travelling cold front of the River of the Silver to the tropic. Thus, under the increase of the Atlantic Polar Front, with orientation Southwest-Northeast, the average point of action of the Atlantic is dragged for the northwest having remained the Northeast under its performance. In this way the pressure if elava, and the winds are of Southeastern East and. This condition produces good time and heats north-eastern, under the anticyclonic inversion of the action center, with cumulus cloudiness three, without thunderstorms.