Christian Kalkbrenner

To consider how the conversation partner can easily track these positive effects already in the letter and in the phone call and how he will feel they in the enterprises. Step 5 which makes quantity BBs new customers over the phone is a volume business. We will only to win a certain percentage of interlocutors for the concern. The bandwidth of this number can be estimated already well after the first 100 phone calls. In many cases, she will move between 15% and 35%. With this number, the personal amounts factor is now known. And it is clear how many telephone contacts per week are required to achieve the planned number of appointments.

These five steps taken into account, so will the probability of a Yes, I want”of potential customers significantly larger. Sellers who are faced with the task to win phone customers can sell smarter with this “approach increase not only their probability of success, but also their own error rate reduce. And therein lies the key to excellence in telephone sales in the B2B. FYI: Christian Kalkbrenner Dipl.-kfm. (univ.), restructured numerous companies and helped them with powerful market concepts to new successes. He is author, consultant, Manager, speaker and since many years expert for growth and high-speed-marketing. in 1992, he founded the eponymous consulting firm headquartered in Lindau. It is focused on, to advise companies on growth issues, to accompany and to implement operationally the joint concepts.

His clients include majority leader, that want to expand their position in the market regardless of whether they are in growing or move shrinking markets. “Christian Kalkbrenner, Ralf bearing manufacturer’s latest books: the bamboo code grow faster than the competition”, BusinessVillage Verlag Gottingen (ISBN: 978-3-938358-75-7), 2008 price: 21.80 euros. “Christian Kalkbrenner: high-speed-marketing in just 7 days to a resounding market approach”, BusinessVillage Verlag Gottingen (ISBN 978-3-938358-98-6), 2009 price: 24.80 euros. Contact: Kalkbrenner consulting Christian Kalkbrenner holder Gstaudweg 72 88131 Lindau Tel. 0 83 82-409 301 fax 0 83 82-409-302 E-Mail:

Virus Bulletin Gold Award For Email Security Solution From BitDefender

BitDefender security for mail servers in the Linux field test: hardly any false positives in spam detection rate high, Holzwickede, November 16, 2009 BitDefender gold has for its security for mail servers 3.0.2 received award of the specialist magazine Virus Bulletin (VB). The E-Mail security solution designed for Linux servers to ensure a secure electronic message traffic for companies and service providers. The software combines a proactive antivirus, antispam and antiphishing technologies with content and attachment filtering. In the test, the solution impressed in particular by its low number of false positive as well as a high spam detection rate. Over a period of 20 days, virus bulletin tested several products on a SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. This VB sent a project honey pot”provided E-Mail body of multiple test addresses.

“This included both clean” as also spam-mails. The messages were in different languages including English, French, Russian, Dutch, Norwegian and in various sent to Asian languages. The test revealed that BitDefender security for mail server exactly realized 97,89% of spam messages with a false positive rate of only 0.7 percent. We are pleased that our security for mail server ‘ again bulletin has withstood the test of virus and was awarded with the Gold Award”, said Catalin Cosoi, senior anti-spam and anti-phishing researcher at BitDefender. We now know that we are at the forefront compared with competitors. The award underlines our position as a provider of proactive malware detection technologies that go far beyond the possibilities of the traditional heuristic methods.

“In this way, we offer users a comprehensive protection for both known and unknown threats.” Version 3.0.2 with new Livequeryr”filters the new in the current security for mail server” version included filter technology Livequeryr “was by the customers in the past few months well accepted. This technology scans incoming E-Mails first locally with a proactive, proprietary anti-spam solution. “” If the message has passed this first filter sequence and not as a vicious “or clean” can be classified a proprietary algorithm extracts several key items from the mail. From this encrypted fingerprint is”created that identifies the mail. Should find a similar fingerprint BitDefender within the databases of its server network, the system immediately causes a block command to the client application. A detailed analysis of the test results is available under vbspam-review-Nov09.pdf. More information about the BitDefender business solutions under. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions Private and business customers around the globe and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at. Press contact: BitDefender GmbH Robert-Bosch-str. 2 D-59439 Holzwickede contact person: Hans-Peter Lange PR Manager Tel.: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-330 fax: + 49 (0) 2301 9184-499 email: PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact: Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (0) 2661 91260-0 E-Mail:

Misled Viewers

The trompe loeil painter of the presence works are important exhibition of contemporary art of deception of eyes in bad Rappenau in the Gallery Grandel bath Rappenauer water Castle until January 31. Among them are works of art by Michael Lassell, who already has exhibited his paintings Tate Gallery London in the. Under the title \”The misled viewers\”, visitors can expect amazing illusionistic painting, in which by means of clever perspective a three-dimensional figure of objects is achieved. So, the impression is given to access the painted subject virtually by hand. It is when these artists would put a spell over our eyes and seduce us with their painting to believe their images as our senses. Because we are seduced to touch what we deceptively genuine represented see before us on the screen. The magician, who is capable of this, operate in the trompe-l’oeil – the art of the eye Tauscherei. Six masters of their craft in the exhibition are gathered seduced viewers – the trompe l’oeil painting in the present\”in the Gallery Grandel in the Wasserschloss bad Rappenau: Jurgen Dressel, Wolfgang Harms, Michael Lassell, Jo Niklaus, Hans Niklaus and Joachim teacher.

A trompe-l ‘ il is an illusionistic painting, in which by means of clever perspective an accurate three-dimensional picture deceptively real represented by objects, so that the viewer Gets the impression to have the original and not the appearance before him. The show in the moated castle, this artistic subject is as exciting and varied. While every artist enchants the viewer in its very own way. Michael Lassels work \”The Tower of Babel\” shows the items on his paintings to introduce ambiguous contexts: Tower of Babel, with shoes that show even less times more wear and tear, but all are good enough to be worn by people. They are not piled here, because they have outlived your usefulness…


The artistic craftsmanship today offers many ways to beautify the Arts & Crafts home. A visual improvements to be made is such an archway feasible. The craft is, moreover, no new art. The artistic craftsmanship already has a long tradition. In the 19th Century, however, the concept of known arts. This craft is known for its artistic and creative quality. While it is in the industrial crafts a series, is the artistic quality of the craft in the foreground. The motto is: quality over quantity. Because of this, there is no mass production in this craft, but most units of production. This craft has an origin in England. In 1850, what the craft was very industrialized. The trades took place only in the mass production. Fortunately, the artistic values were then preserved with the “Arts and Crafts Movement” movement. The movement of William Morris was intended togreater freedom of artistic creativity. A short time later, the Victoria and Albert Museum was founded. In the London Museum as the best artisanal products have been honored. Even this artistic craft in this country has a very great importance. Thus, there are even numerous institutions and associations specializing in the arts and crafts. Otherwise, deal also numerous books and magazines with the artistic crafts. Who wants to watch various crafts – products, should also be time to visit an exhibition. Often, events are taking place at present where many artistic craftsmen working their crafts – products. But Crafts – Exhibitions are not attended by any interested party, there are also arts and crafts sites on the Internet. On the World Wide Web, different prices to various vendor products. The various music boxes will be happy to be specially ordered. Due to the different designs, every customer will receive the correct model. Who also a pleasantSmell like to have your own four walls, is likely to be interested in the incense. The customer can choose between a variety of scents. Due to the fact that Christmas is drawing ever closer, every household should have a nutcracker. Anyone who has particularly high demands in the Nutcracker, will certainly look for a Nutcracker was created by hand. Furthermore, people like to order a Christmas pyramid. For children, a music box but is unlikely to be interesting. On the World Wide Web may be the prospect even provide information on all products.


Do not even know if having a death could ever prescribe. We do not know anything about as policing. I guess the data handled quickly so that the person seeking not to escape. But it's all that, I guess. I guess. Why I insist that until the picture is clearer and we know the precise legal status, the farther away you better England. "I use my Spanish documentation to make the whole trip. Of course I have not as lucky as Alex since my name does not change and only adds the middle name of my father, but the number is different and I think it's worth adding a further precaution.

"We're up to this point all agree? I want you to think it through. The answer I have for you, determine the future of Alex. Alex looked at his father with his eyes completely out of their sockets. He had heard his father tell she was probably in search and capture! By God, I was going on with his life, he wondered. -Search and Capture, "he repeated. Also heard repeated in his mind the word Jail, Prison.

Everything seemed terrifying. Stay, go. I had to do? "Son, said Kelly – I'm thinking a lot about what has been talking about your father and I think he is right. That until we actually happens with you from your legal situation. You are a strong young man despite your young age, – he said tenderly. I know you'll know desenvolverte and I have the feeling that everything will go well and that you will return soon.

Volga Impressions

In Russia there are many beautiful places – it's a fact! But the most beautiful on the Volga. And by the way, not only in the summer, when the Volga sparkles in the sun and you just can not tear his eyes from her fascinated. In winter the Volga also has its own charm. She sleeps – cold and majestic. But it's lyrics, of course. But its truth in this. Volga – one of the most beautiful rivers in Russia. Perhaps for this reason, many go on vacation to relax on the Volga.

Vacation on the Volga now quite popular. The benefit of the recreation center on the Volga can be found without much trouble. Of course, this raises the question of price and quality. I would like an optimal combination of these parameters. But here, as they say, to your taste. One can only advice.

We rested on the basis of "Forest Story." The place is very beautiful and has something to do, despite the fact that the rest of the Volga we went in the winter. I can not speak about the living conditions, the service – it's all on a high level. Say a few words about how we have been rested. In general, skiing and skating badly does not love, but there are places beautiful – to look something like, a foot long. That had to ski to go around this beauty. Understand how miles had covered only when the number back, just not at the hands of a number made. But the emotion was positive weight! I tried to go fishing story, but a meditation on fish is not very impressive. I prefer an ice rink and slide. Escaped with only a couple of bruises, but it was fun. Naturally, after a cold bath in: steam. With brooms! And cultural activities – pool, restaurant, etc. In general, I can say that this is one of the best recreation centers in the Volga, where I was. You can argue, but it is better to evaluate yourself.


What is in the middle of the desert was carved into the rock giant lion with a human head? For what was to build grand tombs, many times surpassing grandeur and luxury of the palaces of the rulers of living? What is the riddle of the Sphinx and Pyramids? There just was not made assumptions about it. 'Soldiers of forty centuries look down on you' – Napoleon Bonaparte said, bringing his army to the Egyptian pyramids. It was a powerful rhetorical move, and, most likely, he great boost morale of soldiers and the work went up (their self-surrender). But the soldiers reacted to the new age of forty centuries of history, without any respect and, just for fun, shot from the guns of the ancient Sphinx in For millennia, guarding the rooms of the dead. That is what happened to the opening of Europe's ancient Egyptian civilization.

Of course, for this country something that was known before. But it was only after Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, when the As the trophies were taken to France numerous antiquities, Egypt engaged in the study seriously. But back to the sphinx and pyramids. What is in the middle of the desert was carved into the rock giant lion with a human head? For which was to build grand tombs, many times surpassing grandeur and luxury palaces of the rulers of living? What is the riddle of the Sphinx and the pyramids? There just was not made assumptions about it. For example, what Egyptians – descendants of the ancient civilization of Atlantis.

Madrid Attracts Tourists

Hertz has car hire services in Madrid, Spain. The city is the capital of Spain and is a highly populated city. This is the largest city in Spain and is located on the banks of the Manzanares River. Due to its large economy, it is also considered as the financial center of the Iberian Peninsula. Madrid has several places of tourism that attracts tourists from around the world. The rich Spanish architecture can be seen when driving through the streets of Spain. The mixture of ancient architecture with modern times has made in each monument. To the West of the city in the street Bailen is the Royal Palace of Madrid, which is a major tourist attraction of Madrid.

Other places are the Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol, El Rastro, Metropolis building, the Almudena Cathedral and many more. For the admirers of history, there are museums like the National Archaeological Museum, Museo Sorolla, Museo de San Iridro and the Museo del Prado. You can drive to places like Alcobendas, Leganes and Getafe. Thus, rent car and explore Madrid today same! Museo del Prado, Madrid All Simple Things Bibliotheca Artis: Treasures from the Museum of the Prado library Royal Palace of Madrid a tourist than attraction you can’t miss ‘ houses rentals Madrid the Prado Museum presents multimedia content in the PradoMedia hire in Stockholm Stockholm

London Estetika

Biothecare Estetika: 150 centers already opened and 90 in perspective Biothecare Estetika ended the year 2010 with the opening of 25 new centres in Bristol, England, and Madrid and Granada (Spain), who soon added others in London, Liverpool, Birmingham (England), Mexico City and Guadalajara (Mexico) and Brazil, within the policy of expansion that has undertaken the Ensign. In order to coordinate this rapid growth internationally, Biothecare Estetika has opened a new Logistics Center in the capital of Spain, from where are expected coordinate the expansion of this teaches both the Top Nails One, a franchise network which is dedicated to the care and treatment of the nails and intends to open 50 new stores in Europe in the coming months. With the new protocols that have been imposed in the cabin and in the commercial area and customer service billing has risen in all establishments, which also has contributed treatments supervision by a team of medical support, which gives more confidence to customers. What really differentiates the Ensign of its competition is that it gathers in a same space the three pillars that support a beauty treatment. Thus, people who come to Biothecarke Estetika can fight wrinkles, cellulite and hair in an establishment. During 2011 are expected to increase the network of centres in at least five new countries.

In Spain, the Ensign has already reached 120 centres and other 90 worldwide will soon be opened. In addition, Biothecare Estetika found in promotion in social networks a superb platform to know directly the needs and suggestions of its customers. In fact, are more than a thousand friends which has on Facebook, a network of contacts which, in addition to participating in the contests of the franchise, can have direct access to their promotions, special offers, news and openings.You can consult the guide of franchises to have greater repertoire of franchises in Spain. News, articles, interviews with franchises, new franchises, franchise Guide, all the news in the world of the franchise you can consult it in directory of franchises. Source: Press release sent by Ranking10.

Top Attractions In London

London is worth a visit not only for one day Viator has thousands of unforgettable tours and activities for all ages and interests, as well as for each purse on sale: city tours, day tours, helicopter tours, Segway Tours, walks and cycling, private tours and small group tours, country course, activities for families, theatre tickets, tickets for hop-on buses, and much more. All providers locally are handpicked by Viator, and all tours and activities are checked thoroughly. If you book about Viator’s award-winning Web sites, can rely always on that are quality, price and service. A trip to London is worth especially in the spring. In the parks green and it blooms, the weather is pleasant and not too large tourist flows. With more than 100 tours and attractions on offer, Viator makes your stay in the English capital, the seat of Government of the country, an experience that you will not surely forget.

The top attractions include: A full day city tour of London including private guided tour of the Tower of London and visit the changing of the guard makes for an interesting day. “And many other excursions to popular London tourist attractions are available, for example, the original London sightseeing tour: hop-on-hop-off” a half day tour of London with a visit to the changing of the guard, without queues: guided tour of Buckingham Palace and the State apartments, which are only accessible to the public, if the Queen spends her summer holidays in Scotland. If you want to see more of England, an A12 London excursion offered to Stonehenge and bath, the Cotswolds and Stratford-upon-Avon. Stonehenge: A trip from London to the more than 5,000-year-old stone circles, which are just as interesting as the Royal family, you should not miss. In the summer, you can enter the inner circle of stone even at sunrise or sunset. Book this tour private tour of Stonehenge”on, which includes also a visit to bath and Lacock. More tour packages offer the advantage of small groups or additional visits to places of interest, including the Windsor Castle, Oxford and Lacock”filming location of many cinema and TV movies, including also Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. With the London Eye in the sky: The futuristic Ferris wheel London Eye, which carries passengers more than 135 feet in height, perfectly complements the historic and classical architecture in London.

Here you have a 32 km wide views, including Big Ben, the houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. “” “On you will find include the following companies: London Eye: ticket without queues”, London Eye: Champagne ride “or London Eye: romantic champagne ride for two persons in a private cabin”. London for families: the most of London’s attractions are suitable also for children. About There are also some special offers for small visitors to the city. These include for example the private tour”: a typical London taxi ride in the footsteps of Harry Potter by the Diagon Alley to the Leaky Cauldron. The black taxis accommodate five passengers comfortably. “” “The offers medieval banquet and entertainment by torchlight”, London rock legends: tour in minibus “, ride in Hyde Park” and In the amphibious tour of London “are also great adventure for children.