Thomas Ender

The long and productive life of the Austrian painter Thomas Ender very represented for the description of the way and the population it Brazil final it of the decade of 1810. Been born in Vienna, Austria, in 1810, gained fame of travelling painter when in 1817 it was invited to participate of the Austrian Expedition to naturalistic Brazil for objectives to Brazil during the coming of the Arquiduquesa Leopoldina to initiate its life to the side of Don Peter. To the being indicated for its patron, Metternich Prince to act as painter in the cited trip, together with scientists determined for Emperor Franz Joseph, scaled for its ability and specialty, initiated in its life an important phase: of paisagista. Its workmanships represent natural aspects, social architectural and of Rio De Janeiro, whose development he was in progress since the transference of the joanina cut ten years before, hostage of reasons deriving politicians of the Napoleonic dominncia in the European territory. In about ten months of comments, Thomas Ender, still a young talentoso in the height of its twenty and four years of age, imbudo of shrewdness and subtility, almost created eight hundred watercolors that gave to the true day to day vision of the population of all chaste the social ones, of the slaves to the royalty, beyond recriar in extremely distinct watercolors, the dying and faustosa life of the Carioca citizens. In its return the preferred one of European noblemen became, participated of other European expeditions and was master in the Academy of Beautiful Arts of Vienna until its death, in 1875. Its works can be seen in the Akademie der Bildenden knst, where it also has catalogues with its workmanships and a publication south wind-Brazilian of 2004 writing for then the managing of the Institution, Dr. Robert Wagner, specialist in Thomas Ender.

Rio De Janeiro

In the words of Valria Marins, we have a synthesis of the workmanship of Debret, ‘ ‘ as we can conclude from the analyses made throughout this study, in its workmanship on Brazil, Debret obtained more than what its initial intention to register, in a documentary series, diverse data on the populations of Brazil of century XIX; it contributed for the construction of the imaginary Brazilian concerning its populations nativas’ ‘. Contrasting with the satirical vision of Murilo Mendes, detached in the text of Valmir de Souza, we perceive that the two artists, each one with its especificidades, has antagonistic vises on the Brazilian natives. Debret portraies the indian who accepted the culture and introjetou customs European, of romantic and pacific form, mixing them, with certain pleasantness, to its. Murilo Mendes enxerga deglutindo this European expansionista culture. The indian, for Mendes, accepted this submission, but much more for a escravagista and capitalist imposition of what for having ‘ ‘ good-vontade’ ‘ it stops with the white men. Murilo, very probably, has a more realistic vision of what it must have been, for the aboriginal population, to be massacreed and to be enslaved by the invader.

While the vision of Debret, exactly having plus a documentary intention of what critical, it shows only one certain subservincia of indian to the European. .

Northwest Orientation

The orientation of the Mountain range of the Sea that he is same of the south coast to the direction Southwest-Northeast, of to the front the similar position, not arriving to exceed the cited mountain range. However, if the polar anticyclone will be powerful, the Atlantic Polar Front keeps a Northwest-Southeast orientation, capable to win the Mountain range of the Sea and to peregrinar quickly until the Bahia. Visa in the initial in case that, where consecutive rains in the south coast happen and after that they will be scarce in the same coastal. Thus being, the first fact characterizes the dry years, as it happens with certain frequency in the humid years. Therefore, I analyze to follow, with definitive detail, the mass equatorial continental of the secondary circulation in both the facts, enter the latitudes of 15 0. In the first fact Atlantic Polar Front in its northward passage has initially an orientation the Northwest – Southeastern. Under the consequence of the intense radiation in the continent, it assents in its branch occidental person a dilution and polar air feels convection. However, the eastern branch persists in the ocean with Southwestern orientation – Northeast.

This new disposal transcorre of the preference of the polar mass of circulating in the ocean, as the south coast of Brazil possesss Southwestern orientation – Northeast, the fronts, in this in case that, having little energy, it adopts cited the sensible one there. With this alignment the travelling cold front of the River of the Silver to the tropic. Thus, under the increase of the Atlantic Polar Front, with orientation Southwest-Northeast, the average point of action of the Atlantic is dragged for the northwest having remained the Northeast under its performance. In this way the pressure if elava, and the winds are of Southeastern East and. This condition produces good time and heats north-eastern, under the anticyclonic inversion of the action center, with cumulus cloudiness three, without thunderstorms.

The Tree

I was leafy and raised, I was placed on a creek; I was a tree. Near the border the ends by my roots were obstinate; to the stop, the branches in the dense glass move the leaves, untiringly. The nests of the birds hung in my flanks. In the slope the ice cream rumored river of piedemonte. No traveller cheered up until these moments for happening this way, the tree still did not appear in no croquis. Thus I lay and hoped; he had to hope.

All tree that has stood sometimes, can leave of being tree without destroying itself. He was once in the morning I do not know if Monday or Thursday, my thoughts always were confused, gave returns in my wise person; towards that morning of spring; when the volume of the river was stormy, I listened to the passages of a girl. , right. Aquitate tree, ponte straight, branch without leaves, support to the old swing that you has been trusting. They both hang rigid mecates of its seat; if columpia, dates to know and, like a wind of the creek, columpia it in your firm branch. Amount in the swing, soon subject arrived and with his small hands of both mecates of the old swing and it began to columpiar itself on my branch. The end of its black zapatitos brush my nested trunk and maintained a long short while there to them, while it probably watched with anxious eyes his around.

I was then I dreamed after her on the way and the field that balance moving with both piecitos in half of my body. I shook in the middle of a rhythmic movement, admired than it happened. Who was? A girl? A sky small piece? A dream made reality? An anxious angel? A lover of the nature? A naturalist? I became to be able to see it. The tree I incline! It had not finished inclining to me, when or it got worse the wind, inclined to me more and more towards the left, and or my roots were torn and my trunk floating in the waters of the river that always had watched to me so calmly from their immense volume. Author original and source of the article

International Park

TRAIRAM YOU, NATIVE LOVED ' ' They had in such a way postponed the cut of the trees deceased, that they had started to fall of podres' '. In a night of limpid stars, when passing for the International Park, I contemplated, tremulando, packed for a light breeze, as to greet me in the silence of the dawn, prettiest of the flags, symbol of one of more the notables nations of this planet, Brazil. My memory travelled for the tunnel of the time. I remembered that in the past the vi to also tremular in the most distant hiddings place of our Native land; in longnquas regions of borders, in the barges in the rivers of the Amaznia, in the extensions of the river San Francisco, in the Brazilian delegations in the exterior, in places for where long ago I walked. She was the same one that since early I learned to love in the pertaining to school banks and with which for some time I coexisted daily during the military service here in the frozen garrisons of these extreme limits of our native land.

Symbol whose meant deeper we to it give, the inhabitants of the borders, nothing having to see with blind nationalism fanatic that it takes the peoples to the dullness of the wars, but yes to a love for the native land as our sacred house. Today, attending the horror of the moral degradation that happens in our Country, I am thinking about all those traram that it. Exactly not being this politics of vendilhes of the native land a natural rule, is in part a standard of behavior of a uncontrolled society, currently manipulated for the suspicious interests of that no comprometimento has with the most elementary principles of moral and human values. According to Australian writer Morris West: ' ' In politics, of any form, he does not have moral.

The Youngster

The youngster he followed its way in return for house, after twenty years far from house and of the wife who it in such a way loved. He walked during the first day and he found a traveller complimented who it and she asked to it: – Pra where you go? – I go for a very distant place that is to many days of walked by this road. – Youngster, this way is very long, I know I ut short that he is ten times lesser and you goes to arrive in few days. The youngster was contented and started to follow for the shortcut, when he remembered the first advice of its master: ' ' It never takes shortcuts in its life, shorter ways and unknown they can cost its vida' '. Then came back it followed its way. Days later it knew that age an ambush.

Assailants waited the people to steal them and kill them. After some days of trip, he found a pension in the side of the road where he could take up quarters.However of dawn he woke up scared with a estarrecedor shout and much racket. He arose themselves of a jump alone and directed it the door to leave. When he remembered as the advice: ' ' Either never curious for what it is badly, therefore the curiosity pro badly can be mortal' '. Then it came back, it was lain down and it slept. To the dawn, after to take the coffee, the owner of the lodging asked to it if it had not heard an shout and it he said that yes. Then why it was not to see what was, he was not curious? It said that not. Then the host spoke to it: – You are the only one that she leaves living creature daqui, an insane person cried out during the night and when the guests leave killed it them.

Quaternary Age

– I better find to look them a shelter to me and to wait Olavo carrying in them. I suggested, offering the arm for Karen if to support. – We go to look a safe place to be and to wait that Olavo in the light one in return. Jeremias said. We remain some time seated in the high one of a rochedo until, finally, Olavo in them carried atravez from the time in direction the Quaternary Age. The machine of the time took in them for the year of 2004, but impulse was not lingered, took and continued route to the future! 2003, 2004, 2005. Some time later, when the machine stopped, the calendar marked the year of 5.491! – I do not believe that Olavo is making this on purpose! Exclamou Jeremias.

– What it happened with the River? It inquired Karen around, looking at. The region if becomes a desert, of the city alone remained rubbles, some building in ruins was inside of the sea, to few meters of where it was them to me. The level of the sea if had raised and covered part of the city. The intense sun reflected in dunes dimming our eyes. – We go to look a shade. Jeremias said. – Some thing Has if moving there.

Karen said, pointing a band of sand to the north. In the distance we distiguimos a dark, trembling spot in way to the heat emanations that if raised of the hot sand. It did not give to know what it was. To the few the spot was taking form and finally we distinguish a figure human being, who if approached. The youngster dressing cinereous clothes with pointed hood saw in them and hurried the step. – Ola! Who is vocs? Of where they had come? – We are travelling of the time. We came of century twenty and one.

Jerusalem Travel

Ulrich W. Sahm of hGalil writes on diplomatic censures between Israel and the Vatican. In them questions treated like whom, when or where it went away to give a speech and in what zone. The mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat, had invited for example to the papal delegation to one behind schedule magician in Jerusalem. Like congregation place was predicted in the Eastern region of the city, that conquered Israel in 1967, and since the Vatican does not recognize the Israelite sovereignty on the Eastern Jerusalem, this it demanded the mayor who he would abstain to give a reception speech. This gave reason to that the Vatican received the following answer: The mayor will give a speech. The one that wants to come to the reception ceremony, that comes.

The celebration will be realised of any way. The Israelite newspapers informed with commentaries into enemistad and bad-tempered on the papal visit as of Monday. Unpopular titled Jedijot Achronot in one double page its article on the visit of German " bendecido" Benedicto, that was long ago a soldier of the militia and the army of Hitler. A famous survivor of holocausto, Noah Kliger, remembers a speech of Joseph Ratzinger in the city of Auschwitz in January of the 2006. Mr. Kliger concludes his commentary with certain uneasiness, writing down: " As we know, the ways of God for the people, Jewish as as much Christian, are not known to us.

This also seems to be valid for the ways of the representative of God in the Earth. " Before so badly it acclimates in the country, Israel has put in movement a gigantic protection of " the tnica blanca". 80,000 police and agents have participated in her, becoming thus in the operation of security greater than it has existed in the history of Israel. Nevertheless when Jesus de Nazaret entered Israel approx 2000 years ago, he did it mounted on the back of a donkey, next to 12 companions possibly disarmed. What is what as much Benedicto XVI fears? Perhaps it has bad brings back to consciousness? , then if it is not thus could travel of one more a simpler way to Jerusalem, giving a good example. Perhaps they are its conflicting declarations against the use of condn, that always have disagreeable consequences for him. In Holland for example, a popular court of the Reality Television has declared to him guilty, responsible for the death of million patients of AIDS. The Pope allows to be protected by 80,000 police. But, why he does not trust God, if he is His Earth representative? When Jesus de Nazaret happened through the Earth, he said clearly: " My kingdom is not of this mundo". And exactly in the Bible of the Pope it is written: " My kingdom is not of this world; if of this world it was my kingdom, my ministers would have fought, so that was not given to the Jews, but my kingdom is not of aqu." (Juan 18.36) If the Pope needs 80,000 police that they protect to him, gives to the impression that its kingdom yes that rather he is of this world Original author and source of the article.


then Rodolfo travelled for the south. was a weekend and in such a way! Elaine passed most of the time in the course that frequentava, but at night, they left supper, they always drank a good wine, if they amused very and they made love. But Saturday and the sunday had passed fast. Rodolfo daily continued telephoning for Elaine. It was gotten passionate. No woman in such a way fascinates it how much that well decided balzaquiana. Elaine counted jokes, time in when it said a palavro, she was well humorada and amused.

Rodolfo tried, some times, to combine with Elaine to go until the capital to visit it, but without success. Elaine started to be evasion until leaving to take care of the phone calls completely. Rodolfo did not obtain to understand the situation. One was not satisfied with the fact to have taken a rejection of a woman. It was always who decided if the relationships continued or finished, but that one is so atypical It decided to look for Antonio. Who knows Valria could not say some thing? But the relationship of Antonio with the cousin of Elaine also finishes. Rodolfo decided to insist. Not, one was not about a rejection.

' ' It does not take care of my phone calls because she assists many surgeries, makes courses, of the plantes Valley the penalty insistir' '. But and if Elaine had if tired of it? if it found it sticky, grudento? if it had known another person? She only had a skill to know. She telephoned for Elaine in Saturday to the afternoon, made use to place the nugget in is. After all, it was a man and could aguentar any thing. Strangely, a child took care of the cellular one. Rodolfo asked if to that age the telephone of Elaine. The child answered that yes, but the telephone was taken by its hand and the voice of a woman said: ' ' Elaine owner was to the purchases with the husband. She would like to leave some message? ' ' Amazement, Rodolfo was thankful and disconnect. It are been deceptive. That balzaquiana candy, amused and make it to insurance of silly. He uses it and he excuses it with if it was dismissable. He was arrasado. He looked for Antonio and counted its misfortune to it. The friend only said: ' ' Stranger this its reaction, Rodolfo! During the time where she was married, she was as soon as you if she held ' '

Visit Patagonia

Flanked to the west by the $andes and the east by the Atlantic Ocean, in the South end of South America, Patagonia it presents/displays magnificent scenes to realise activities outdoors. It combines impressive mountains and mountain ranges, with active volcanos, dense forests of millenarian, enormous trees crystalline water Lagos, and spectacular glaciers turn that it into one of the last rustic zones of the planet. Here there are some of the reasons by which deberia to visit Patagonia: 1 – Trekking: without a doubt, the Patagonia is a true paradise for the senderismo, are routes for all the pleasures. Each national park has noticeable routes good with incredible landscapes and different degrees from difficulty. Them more audacious travellers to cross the $andes walking and treking on the continental ice are almost a one necessity. 2 – Marine fauna: the Peninsula of Valdez is the site of transit forced for the lovers of the wild life.

The greater colony of marine elephants in the world contains, and is an important point of contact for whales, penguins, and a multitude of birds navy. 3 – It fishes with Fly: The Patagonia is an ideal place for the capture of trouts. It has the exact temperature for the Salmons, waters of excellent quality and a great variety of rivers and Lagos where to practice all the techniques of fishing with fly. Two outstanding places to visit are Junn of the $andes, a city in the province of Neuqun, the North part of the Patagonia and Rio Grande in Tierra Del Fuego. In Junn of the $andes, the Malleo river has great amount of trouts rainbow during all the season, but it is at the end of March, when the things are put interesting. Enormous brown trouts enter the Chimehun river from the Huechulafquen lake, an event that no fisherman with fly wants to lose itself. Rio Grande is a place of fishing of world-wide fame by the capture of great trouts of sea. 4 – Mountain climbing: It is certain that the Patagonia does not have very high mountain ranges, but counts on several of the most beautiful and challenging tips in the world. The hill Fitz Roy and the Hill Tower in Argentina and the Towers and the Horns of the Paine in Chile, are some of the reasons by which climbing worldwide they want to travel to this wonderful place. Conclusion: No traveller interested in the adventure that wants to enjoy the nature in fullness would have to lose the opportunity to visit Patagonia.