
" It has been heat, cold, there is llovido" , it has commented Nuria, one of the volunteers, who have come from Galicia and that was very contented because the temperatures lower just a little bit. The oration of offer of the personal works of all the day was first that made the presents, and the Brother Daughters of Santa Maria of the Heart of Jesus with the Hermanitas of the Lamb you render said them, a plegaria with which throughout the world prays all the Church when beginning the day. The misa of closing of the JMJ also denominated " Eucarista de Envo" because, after her, the mission of the young people begins who have attended these days in their countries of origin. The Pope leaves the Nunciature for the last acts has left on the 17,30 hours of afternoon the Nunciature, after this it soothes diplomatic, situated in number 46 of the avenue of Po XII (district of Chamartn), has be its residence during the four days in which it has remained in Madrid. Like in each one of the previous occasions, whenever the Pontiff has entered or left this he soothes, hundreds of people are concentrate in the environs to vitorear to him and to applaud to him. In order to be thankful for its presence to them, the Pope has raised a lifted platform from which it has saluted effusively and arms in stop to the hundreds of people who have congregated themselves.

In this last encounter, to the hundreds of pilgrims a rociero group has added itself that from before the march of santo father already sang and danced some of the most popular Sevillan. In addition, a group of nuns, employees of the Nunciature, has made a corridor in the outer door of the one of soothes apostolic and have shaken white handkerchiefs to the passage of the vehicle of the Pope. To the few meters to initiate the route, ' papamvil' one has paused and have approached the Pontiff a baby of few months. In his last act in the Nunciature, the Pontiff has participated in a lunch that has offered the nuncio of the Pope in Spain, Renzo Fratini, a Spanish bishops and cardinals and to the representatives of the Vatican delegation that has accompanied to the Pontiff during its visit Spain to preside over the JMJ. The Pope has left the Nunciature on board " papamvil" , and one has moved until the facilities of the Week Institution of Madrid (IFEMA), where he has pronounced words of gratefulness to the thousands of voluntary young people who have participated in the JMJ. From there, the bishop of Rome moved to the airport of Madrid, where the ceremony of goodbye, presided over by the kings of Spain took place, accompanied by the ministers of Presidency and Justice, Ramon Juregui and Francisco Caamao, respectively, the mayor of the city, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardn, and the president of the Community of Madrid, Hope Aguirre. In this, as much the Pontiff as the monarch delivered individual speeches. The next appointment, in Rio de Janeiro Benedicto XVI in the last announced moments of the misa that Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, will be soothes of XXVIII the World-wide Day of Youth (JMJ), that will be celebrated in 2013. The Pope, of 84 years, expressed its desire to travel to the Brazilian city to preside over the event. Source of the news: The Pope asks the young people who help to that " they aspire to something more than a life without Dios"


Back in the high one, festejando, the butterflies fly and announce the biggest miracle that is the blessing of the life In some place beyond the rainbow, where the beauty of the colors were painted by the hands of God Everything are harmony In some place beyond the rainbow, the flowers perfume the day, everything are magic, everything are peace Everything are blessing! Everything is life! Everything is light! In some place beyond the rainbow, where the clouds are so distant, I go to ask for to a star that makes to it very happy. I go to thank the all instant that, the shining day is a constant in its life. the blessed so shining day, if becomes inesquecvel, repleto of gratitude> love. Emalgum place beyond the rainbow, says to have a gold pot, acreditoque the treasure exists, but they are not treasures well I contend the metalprecioso inside Are special people, admirable attitudes, some good action and a pretty smile of gratefulness At last, something of good in our life, a great gift and we feel as if we had found our treasure valuable.

In some place beyond the rainbow, he is God to bless to it, and smiling pra you Each one have a treasure waiting beyond the rainbow, she is enough to run behind it, and to make for deserving it. In some place beyond the rainbow, I want to give one to it I hug, and to say that I am happy for you to exist. The biggest gift, the biggest treasure, it is the love that I receive from its friendship and, this does not have value, is a gift of same God. A light kiss pra you!

So Paulo

To show a little of as Snio he wrote its romanceshistricos, he can themselves be cited as example the War of the Pedlars that uncurls umahistria at the time where Recife and Olinda is in war, pedlars are oscomerciantes that were ascending and despertando the fury and the espritocompetio to another Olinda village. A history that also portraies the love entrejovens and that in the end it surprises and any reader all. To the regional romances it is an intriguing doubt: to comoAlencar obtained to go to create in its imagination the regions of the country without having viajadotanto? It is there that the admiration for this representative Brazilian daliteratura grows still more. Til, one of its regional romances impresses the bomleitor and assists to that not yet it had chance to travel fora Brazil. How not to admire and to read so authentic workmanships and pertencentesao Brazil of a writer as this? Alencar was excellent writer, and in the diashodiernos she is excellent representative of nationalistic literature. FINAL CONSIDERAOES To invent another concept on the romantismo as already were ditoneste article are impossible because to even appraise something so great as literary ummovimento arrives to be taming and entusiasmante, as well as osportugueses they had courageous risked to know and to take new lands. However, with the contribution of writers who publish excellent books on literary osmovimentos, it can be said that through these and other sources depesquisas I was obtained to encourage to any student or academic who to queiradescobrir a new world; not a world with the same wealth portuguesesencontraram that them in Brazil. In the letter of Pero Vaz de Caminha to the measure that eramencontradas the natural and mineral wealth, observes the interest for estasterras.

The researcher will go to find other treasures that the land and the ferrugemno eat, and that the man cannot steal, the wealth the one who I mention myself is asabedoria, the astuteness to search and to eliminate any doubts, quebrandomuralhas and discovering in the interior the opulence of the knowledge.

Perception and Reality

Therefore, the reality that the person describes is the result of what it thinks, desires and imagines. In a world repleto of options, the choice of the element (either real or unreal) that it will go to compose the reality of somebody, beyond being subjective, is guided by a natural feeling of gratuity. Nothing by chance or it is produced by external or unknown force. All act is consequence of what already it was developed in the interior of each person, with the aid of its existential logic. The great danger in travelling in the world of the fancy and the illusion is that we can transform false events into true. When creating a reality and life in function of it, the person starts to live the life in accordance with what she imagines. Care! The imagination that represents an interior reality, in terms psychological, it is equalized a real event producing the same psychological effect and with repercussion in the physical and energy body.

Attention! All the percipient dimensions (real/unreal) are legitimate for perceive who them. The man does not need a real event to live deeply a pain, a suffering; its imagination is capable to provide this. DEVELOPMENT: The psiquismo is active, then the thought also is active and creative and not unconscious. It is for the act of the thought that the person chooses the mental content that will go to compose its imagination; soon, beyond to be creative of the proper illusions and fancies, it possesss the capacity to manage them. The process of creation of the imagination starts in the system mind-brain and after that it is executed by the body and the behavior.

Convents Cultural

The respective agency adopts this concept with the purpose to standardize it enters the integrant countries. In this way, to facilitate the research, and, consequentemente the attainment of quantitative and qualitative data, in the direction of assisting in tracing parameters, thus being able, leveling the planejamentos in this area. It is noticed, however that in general terms the tourism while social phenomenon unifies, rescues, it values, it consolidates the patrimonial values and cultural of the peoples, with capacity of perpassar the interests economic politicians and, when it allows and it makes possible the social inclusion of all layers. Such factors are forceful for the transformation and perfectioning of the citizens. How much to the segment of the cultural tourism, it was verified that since the primrdios the culture also occupied an excellent paper justifying the reasons by which the trips were carried through.

It is observed, however that with passing of the time modifications how much to the form had occurred, how much the number of travellers and also its motivations. In such a way, one understands the possible influences in the behavior of being and making of the human beings, however it is verified that all the peoples withhold proper culture, capable to instigate the interest for knowing them. It has that to mention the relation of the religiosidade with the cultural aspects, a time that the tourism practised in the Average Age occurred and grew basically for the peregrinations to the Jerusalem under motivation of the faith. Later, the discovery of the tomb of the Apstolo Is Thiago, initiated other peregrinations, that is, to make the Way Santiago de Compostela. Not obstante, these displacements were motivated mainly by the faith.

Costa Rica

Transferred to the capital, with house by jail, it is escaped of the authorities, from where, the 13 of September, write to Baldizn Narcissus Boiler. In November it happens to El Salvador. From Santa Ana it sends letter to Elizer Blandn. Then, the 29 of November, undocumented person leaves towards Havana. There they wait for Borge Takings to it and Julio Sherry, that accompanies Costa Rica it transfers and it to Nicaragua. It contacts with just founded Juventud Nicaraguan Patritica (JPN) that has unfolded intense activities opositorias.

Very interesting it is the antecedent that in 1961, Cover Movimiento Nueva Nicaragua (MNN). Enrique Lorente, Faustino Ruiz, Fernando Gordillo, Francisco Buitrago, the Germa’ns Pomares, Ivn Sanchez, Saints Lopez, Silvio Mayorga, Navarrese Jorge, Jose Benito Escobar, Carlos Reyna, Borge Takings, Rigoberto Lopez Cross, Oscar Benavides, Edn Shepherd, Julio Sherry, the Germa’ns Gaitn, Bayardo Altamirano and others participate in the foundation. The MNN organizes three cells in Managua, Leon and Estel; it denounces the preparations of the invasion of Bay of Pigs and publishes in February first ideario of Sandino selecting by him. It travels again to Honduras where one meets with Takings Borge, Silvio Mayorga, Faustino Ruiz and Santos Lopez. In that meeting, the month of July, Carlos Fonseca proposes the Sandinista Frente name of National Liberation for the armed organization revolutionary who from months back comes integrating. In November it is in Nicaragua reunited again in house of Constantino Baltodano Zeledn with other companions of the MNN: Germa’n Gaitn, Julio Sherry and others and return to Honduras in the month of diciembreSe he remembers to us, that in 1962 the 22 of January enters the country.

He returns soon to Honduras and to Cuba. In May he travels to Caracas and he returns to enter the country to activate Frente Estudiantil Revolucionario (FER) and leaves again to Honduras. With the sandinista veteran the Holy Lopez, in the month of July, go into in the department of Olancho and sail by the rivers Patuca and Guayaca to confirm the possibilities of luch armed.

Baath International

This situation caused as much the retirement of the Cuban guerrillas of Venezuela like the beginning of the defeat it stops the Venezuelan guerrilla who did not count on an important social base because the urban population of Venezuela had grown in a 70%. During the first presidential period of Rafael Boiler, as much the Communist Party of Venezuela, as of the Izquierda Movement Revolucionaria (MIR) they were legalized to be able to participate in the elections. Nevertheless, the members of party PRV-FALN commanded by Brave the Douglas ex–guerrilla decided to follow in the revolutionary fight, realising very important changes to the political, military line and of masses that came applying and that until that moment had not given results. For Douglas, it was very important to consolidate bows of cooperation with other revolutionary movements in the outside to be weaving and creating an anti-imperialist block and this way to create a new civilization. Of this form, the approaches of the PRV-FALN with Gadaffi in Libya, the socialist party Arab Baath in Iraq begin and with Organization for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO) and, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FPLP). In 1979, the PRV-FALN sends Iraq to the TC William Izarra, that comprised of the conspiracy of the guerrilla to the interior of the Troopses (founding of the R-83 movements, Alliance Revolutionary of the Active Military), with the aim of establishing bows between the officials pertaining to the Venezuelan civic-military plot and the High Command of Saddam Hussein.

In 1980, Izarra again travels to Baghdad, maintaining meetings not only with different authorities from the Government but also with leaders of the socialist party Baath. The close relation with Iran, begins in the decade of 80s with the Movement Revolutionary Bolivariano 200 founded by Hugo Chavez and other officials to the interior of the equally tie Armed Forces with the PRV-FALN. Thanks to the amnesty granted by president Caldera by the bankrupts military coups of February and November of the 92; Hugo Chavez realises different international trips where it knows the Argentinean Norberto Ceresole, a recognized sociologist and anti-semitic political expert, very near Iran (against the attack of 1994 to a Jewish center where 85 people passed away, I do not doubt in defending publicly to Iran of the accusation on the part of Israel by its possible entailment to the attack) and related to the group Lebanese islamist Hizbula. Ceresole, is going away to turn until 1999, in one of the nearest advisers of Chvez; it is the one who it goes orients to fortify political, technological, military relations and energetics with countries like Iran, Russia and China with the aim of leading with these countries an international revolution against the hegemony of the United States and the international Judaism.

Ambulant Bottle

Somebody already saw a drink bottle walking alone, to go until a small table, and to place themselves there? Clearly that not! Then, it can be prevented. the cup, will be that it has proper locomotion? Medite in the force that GOD placed on you to lead the things and not to be lead by them. Ambulant bottle It puts wall against it, it builds against it blockhouses, it raises against it junk and it puts against it arraiais and rams in redor. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 4:2. No drink, Can cure the wound, Who is in the Soul; alone if calms, With a Conjunct. However, you say, then: I never prayed in the life, and because in this suffered hour, It would go to pray? Because, To pray, He is always if to occupy, With important things, That do not leave the travellers, Without protection, When the children of the temptation, Try to come close themselves. He is in the empty hour, That the hell empties, All its darts, to leave neglected, the Human beings, That if feel to the abandonment; But they are not. It gives a peep, For next ruela, and you will see that piles of insects, In its ceilings, also are protected. They do not pray, But always they collaborate, With its life, Showing each Human being To be, That everything has skill.

Europe Decay

According to Maquiavel, in its workmanship the Prince: ‘ ‘ he defended that the monarch would have to use any way? allowed or not? to keep the control of its reino’ ‘ The phrase that summarizes its ideas is: ‘ ‘ The ends justify meios’ ‘ In against departure we have great controversies to this respect, that retrace to the thinkers Karl the Marx and Frederich Engels, who had formulated theories on the basis of the historical materialism (that is, that they have as approach the fight of classrooms) pointing that the power of the State serves basically to the interests of the classrooms that control the means of production. Inside of the marxist perspective, therefore, the power politician centered for the device of the State possesss bonds with the economy and the way as the men produce the ways of its survival.

However, Burns, in the sample inside of its workmanship the Age of the Absolutism, an analysis of the reinforcement of absolutism after 1500 would be: The support of new agencies of government; sustendo of the wars, therefore fortified the power of the state; the Protestant Revolution that endorses the real onipotncia. We see that the absolutism took root for bringing in its abilities the organization and unit the Europe. In its narration the author says of the decay of the monarchy absolutist in England; standing out to be only European country where the absolutism enters in decay before 1789 being the order reasons politics, economic and religious, inside of the studies of the author. With Pilett we go to retrocede in the time, before decay of the absolutism in England, thus to understand its reasons: The centralization of the power in England occurred with the coroamento of Enrique II that soon Heart of Lion (1189-1199) of the ten years of its government was succeeded by its Ricardo son, Ricardo absented of England per nine years, leading the third cruzade and fighting in the European continent.

Rio De Janeiro

3. The first lumber the activity lumber, of the form as it presents itself today, arrived at the territory that belongs Is Domingos in the year of 1970. The lumber primeiroempresrio that arrived and implanted a company of the branch here, was umsenhor Spaniard consolidated in Brazil, that previously was technician in montagemde metallic structures for Petrobra’s. Migrou of Rio De Janeiro for Amazonian aregio in the year of 1970, after knowing that the government would federalconstruiria a road tearing the forest and binding to the region to the Center-South dopas and to the exterior. This exactly entrepreneur arrived at the city of Empress noMaranho saw Belm-Brasilia road, stops there of dislocating until Apinags debarco and with the disassembled saw-of-ribbon, therefore, the river still was the principalvia of access between these two cities. Of Apinags for They are Domingos, sawmill was carried in trucks. The company was mounted to the edges of the old track of aviaode Is Domingos, where she started to only function after the darodovia inauguration Transamaznica, more necessarily in the year of 1972. They were exploradosprincipalmente the mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla) and the Wood-yellow one (Euxylophoraparaensis), known regionally as ' ' amarelo' '.

Asexploraes was mainly made in areas of the owners of great castanhais, the ones that liveed in Marab, having been that in the distance average between sawmill and the explored area km reached a 30 at the beginning ray of, arriving 70km in the Eighties. The production was exported, mainly, to countries dEuropa, as England (bigger consumer of the mahogany sawed in Is Domingos), France and Spain. Therefore, he is valid to affirm that the open roads naregio, as Belm-Brasilia, PA-70 and Transamaznica, had been to the doors deentrada for a new productive model that if transformed into the main atividadeeconmica of use of the ground, according to Verssimo, Rasp, Lentini (2002). SoDomingos was not outside, also was enclosed in the roll of the areas the seremexploradas ones.