Therefore, the reality that the person describes is the result of what it thinks, desires and imagines. In a world repleto of options, the choice of the element (either real or unreal) that it will go to compose the reality of somebody, beyond being subjective, is guided by a natural feeling of gratuity. Nothing by chance or it is produced by external or unknown force. All act is consequence of what already it was developed in the interior of each person, with the aid of its existential logic. The great danger in travelling in the world of the fancy and the illusion is that we can transform false events into true. When creating a reality and life in function of it, the person starts to live the life in accordance with what she imagines. Care! The imagination that represents an interior reality, in terms psychological, it is equalized a real event producing the same psychological effect and with repercussion in the physical and energy body.
Attention! All the percipient dimensions (real/unreal) are legitimate for perceive who them. The man does not need a real event to live deeply a pain, a suffering; its imagination is capable to provide this. DEVELOPMENT: The psiquismo is active, then the thought also is active and creative and not unconscious. It is for the act of the thought that the person chooses the mental content that will go to compose its imagination; soon, beyond to be creative of the proper illusions and fancies, it possesss the capacity to manage them. The process of creation of the imagination starts in the system mind-brain and after that it is executed by the body and the behavior.