It is one of the main formadores of the hidrogrfica basin of the river Paranapanema that discharges in the basin of the river Paran. A hidrogrfica basin is an area drained for a main river and its tributaries. Great part of the hidrogrficas basins of Native of London is born in the neighboring cities, what it generates the necessity of intense ambient public politics that they opt to more efficient a regional boarding, so that these hdricos courses do not arrive in Native of London already engaged in the quality of waters. The urban area of the headquarters of the city is cut in the direction west-east, preferential, for diverse basins and sub-basins that print the organization of the spaces in its entornos. Hear other arguments on the topic with Harry Kane. (PMBS, 2009, p-37). Had the importance of the courses d' water for the city of Native of London, this work contemplates the characteristics of the multiple landscapes that if put and if they display throughout (to per) the course with a look focado in the space organization of the net hidrogrfica and the multiple uses of the water. (Per) to run for the sources and headboards of the rivers The object of study and looks had been the main hidrogrficas basins of the city of Native of London: Camb, Jacutinga, Lindia, Coffee plantation and the River Tibagi in the city of Jataizinho. The direction of the fluvial canals of the basins of the brooks Jacutinga and Lindia, to the north, is in the direction west-east whereas the too much basins: Camb, Coffee plantation is guided in the direction northwest-Southeast. Beyond these, in the direction northwest-Southeast also she has the Basin of the Lemon tree and the Basin Three Mouths, but they are not part of this study. The passage was elaborated to take care of to the looks of the landscapes of entorno of the valleys and sources, ridges and its integration with the city.
Tag: geography
Commercialization Value
its consolidation also has bonds with others economic processes, as the formation of blocks, the constitution of markets common and areas extended of free comercio.' ' (ROSSETTI.2002, p.849) To conceive the globalization as ' ' period of training of trocas' ' it is to visualize the perfectioning of this process that tends if to more intensify each time by means of the economy. For economy we understand the set of laws that regulate the production and the commercialization for the acquisition of wealth. In the context of the globalization the economy is the organization of the parts for the o functioning of all, that is, organization I deal of it world-wide for the general functioning of the global system. Integration is the word of order when it is said of economy as main factor of the globalization. Vasconcelos (2002, p.381) says that ' ' … the production and the distribution of values inside of nets in world-wide scale, with the acirramento of the competition between great groups multinacionais' ' it can be called ' ' globalization produtiva' ' , that is, globalization if concentrates in the production and the distribution of values by means of groups multinationals. The value nothing more is that, everything what it is understood as choice or preference object. In this manner value is: for the philosopher the moral as ethical and as customs of a people; for the jurists it is the respect and the defense of the dignity human being; for the economist it is the value of use and value of exchange of a merchandise; at last value is everything what the human being understands and means as value, is obvious that certain individualities nor always will be taken in consideration to define a behavior or an object as having value, is necessary that pass for the social bolter? collective to acquire or concept I do not validate of value. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out casio.
Northwest Orientation
The orientation of the Mountain range of the Sea that he is same of the south coast to the direction Southwest-Northeast, of to the front the similar position, not arriving to exceed the cited mountain range. However, if the polar anticyclone will be powerful, the Atlantic Polar Front keeps a Northwest-Southeast orientation, capable to win the Mountain range of the Sea and to peregrinar quickly until the Bahia. Visa in the initial in case that, where consecutive rains in the south coast happen and after that they will be scarce in the same coastal. Thus being, the first fact characterizes the dry years, as it happens with certain frequency in the humid years. Therefore, I analyze to follow, with definitive detail, the mass equatorial continental of the secondary circulation in both the facts, enter the latitudes of 15 0. In the first fact Atlantic Polar Front in its northward passage has initially an orientation the Northwest – Southeastern. Under the consequence of the intense radiation in the continent, it assents in its branch occidental person a dilution and polar air feels convection. However, the eastern branch persists in the ocean with Southwestern orientation – Northeast.
This new disposal transcorre of the preference of the polar mass of circulating in the ocean, as the south coast of Brazil possesss Southwestern orientation – Northeast, the fronts, in this in case that, having little energy, it adopts cited the sensible one there. With this alignment the travelling cold front of the River of the Silver to the tropic. Thus, under the increase of the Atlantic Polar Front, with orientation Southwest-Northeast, the average point of action of the Atlantic is dragged for the northwest having remained the Northeast under its performance. In this way the pressure if elava, and the winds are of Southeastern East and. This condition produces good time and heats north-eastern, under the anticyclonic inversion of the action center, with cumulus cloudiness three, without thunderstorms.
Rio De Janeiro
3. The first lumber the activity lumber, of the form as it presents itself today, arrived at the territory that belongs Is Domingos in the year of 1970. The lumber primeiroempresrio that arrived and implanted a company of the branch here, was umsenhor Spaniard consolidated in Brazil, that previously was technician in montagemde metallic structures for Petrobra’s. Migrou of Rio De Janeiro for Amazonian aregio in the year of 1970, after knowing that the government would federalconstruiria a road tearing the forest and binding to the region to the Center-South dopas and to the exterior. This exactly entrepreneur arrived at the city of Empress noMaranho saw Belm-Brasilia road, stops there of dislocating until Apinags debarco and with the disassembled saw-of-ribbon, therefore, the river still was the principalvia of access between these two cities. Of Apinags for They are Domingos, sawmill was carried in trucks. The company was mounted to the edges of the old track of aviaode Is Domingos, where she started to only function after the darodovia inauguration Transamaznica, more necessarily in the year of 1972. They were exploradosprincipalmente the mahogany (Swietenia Macrophylla) and the Wood-yellow one (Euxylophoraparaensis), known regionally as ' ' amarelo' '.
Asexploraes was mainly made in areas of the owners of great castanhais, the ones that liveed in Marab, having been that in the distance average between sawmill and the explored area km reached a 30 at the beginning ray of, arriving 70km in the Eighties. The production was exported, mainly, to countries dEuropa, as England (bigger consumer of the mahogany sawed in Is Domingos), France and Spain. Therefore, he is valid to affirm that the open roads naregio, as Belm-Brasilia, PA-70 and Transamaznica, had been to the doors deentrada for a new productive model that if transformed into the main atividadeeconmica of use of the ground, according to Verssimo, Rasp, Lentini (2002). SoDomingos was not outside, also was enclosed in the roll of the areas the seremexploradas ones.