The Members

Designing, planning and implementing internal information tools that facilitate people know what is expected of them and what is the common goal that the company expects to achieve through his work: manuals of host memory, memos, etc. Periodically evaluating the design and development of communication tools as well as the communication channels intended for them, whether formal or informal. Using technologies such as transmission channel of information between different areas of the company to promote knowledge management: intranet, newsletter, electronic publications portal the employee, corporate blogs, etc. Designing strategic content for web sites and electronic publications. Anticipating potential problems of communication internally, to overcome crisis situations and processes that involve a cultural or operational change within the company. Learn more on the subject from Tottenham striker . Many people He wondered what for internal communication. The concern is completely valid. Communicators have to explain accurately the scope of our professional activity and the benefits that we can provide to an organization.

The more clear let us be, more doors are going to open. The seven dimensions are: essential: that the organization exists. Operational: People can do their work. Strategic: Who knows why it should do so. Valuation: Who knows how to do it. Motivational: Whoever wants to do it. Learning: You know how it is doing. Intelligence: To propose how to make it better.

The communication is part of human relations and is therefore essential in an organization of people as it is the company. The family business has its own characteristics that make that internal communication is even more important, if possible, because relations between the employees you must add relations between the members of the family that owns. Multiple messages that are generated in an organization is they repeat in the shape and even the contents. These redundancies arise from certain implied rules that synthesize, in a given time, the weight of traditions and history, the command style, the type of culture, the daily work, etc.

Enterprising Begin

It is common to listen on the terms To undertake, Emprendimiento, To initiate, To start, To venture themselves, To approach to mention most common; nevertheless when we thought about beginning an activity, business, task, etc., are inherent that this goes related to Risk, or risk oriented to the difficulty that entails or the danger by the lack of security. For that reason we relate that To undertake something it is not a simple activity. If we thought on this, is a key element that carries out the accomplishment of the work: The Entrepreneur. That one person who takes the risk and the adventure of beginning something. She has much to do the characteristics, qualities, abilities, the inverted energy of this one protagonist to fulfill his objective.

Taking like premise that in our actions is reflected what we are. Then east process becomes a incluyente process of direct relation. In translating that enterprising spirit in the execution of an action plan. And satisfaction to carry out it is greater, when they are our own ideas those that we turned into businesses, and to defy that constant fear to the failure. After all, the failure is only a result nonwaited for. Which can be changed with improvement and location of committed errors. Many are the qualities and characteristic that are mentioned they must have an Entrepreneur or industralist. And all is equal of important, one of most excellent is the one of the capacity to transform the problems or obstacles into opportunities or fields of improvement, in maintaining an attitude positive and eliminating the resistance-fear to the change.

As well as undertaking a business is a challenge, this adventure is applicable and beneficial for many scopes of the life. It depends only on that enterprising spirit who the result is successful? He is affirmative that is a key element, nevertheless wanting to make and to transform our wished ideas in fact, in the constant search of satisfaction. The daily task then is to educate to the mind, being avoided those censorships and preparing it to be arranged to the change, to take the risks and of seting out to turn the dreams and ideals in fact. Atrvete to foment your initiatives personal, begin by the own conviction of the own effectiveness. If one creates to deserve it obtains it. Hayde Quijano Hayde Quijano looks for with its articles that their readers are inspired to begin their own business.