In Germany, an obligation to bear the costs of burial. This gap can be closed with a bereavement care. The death of a member, means not only a painful loss. He also costs. More and more often it happens that members want to or can not bear the financial burden of the funeral. What many don’t know: in Germany there is a duty to bear the costs of funeral. Therefore, the next of kin must take over the costs of the funeral.
Usually these are the spouse, child or sibling. “The obligation to bear the costs of burial shall also apply in dysfunctional family relationships and even if the financial resources are limited”, Walter Capellmann, main representative of Monuta know insurance companies in Germany. One hears again and again by cases involving children unexpectedly must accept the funeral expenses of a parent, although they since childhood no contact more to their parents have had.” But the legal situation is clear: adult biological children are responsible for the burial of their parents. The cost to the public can be shifted in dysfunctional family relationships. Also, the financial situation does not relieve members of their obligation. If necessary, they have to rely on social assistance.
“What many forget even today: the sickness funds pay more since 2004 no death benefit to cover funeral costs”, says Cabrera. This gap can be closed with a funeral. On the one hand, parents can complete a bereavement provision to fall not financially burden of their children in the case. On the other hand, but also children can take out such insurance on behalf of their parents. With a bereavement provision can be made with low monthly contributions. So must a monthly contribution be deposited only 8.18 euros for a 50 year old woman, in order for a funeral worth 3,000 euro to provide. The insurance cover shall last a lifetime from the first contribution payment. And: the bereavement care is part of the social assistance legal assets of Skane. Should the insured person be unemployed or to the Hartz IV recipients, the State has no access to the saved money. About Monuta Monuta insurance insurance, a subsidiary of the Dutch Monuta Uitvaartzorg en – verzekeringen N.V., their burial since July 2007 in Germany offers. Because Monuta sees itself as trustee for its customers, the product range in addition to the pure insurance or financial protection includes additional services and benefits. Germany wide is it worked with selected, quality-tested local partners. In the Netherlands, the Monuta Uitvaartzorg founded in 1923 is the market leader for the bereavement care en-verzekeringen N.V.. The company serves there 1.1 million customers and manages a portfolio of EUR 4.6 billion (stand: May 2010).