A leader nor always is detainer of being able formal, however, possesss a natural approval on the part of the led ones, for having been elect without any institucional formality, for having been chosen as reference. FINAL CONSIDERAES the work require one approximately tero of all the available time for the life. To work is simultaneously a fantastic and paradoxical experience because it provides moments of intense satisfaction, and causes sensations of belongs and pride, but also it seems to provoke the will to prevent it. The founder of the psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, argued that the bases of the humanity had been aliceradas by the love and the work. For it, the love and the work were the primordial beddings of auto-esteem and the pleasure in living, and that the communion of both, could take the satisfaction. Psychology organizacional and of the work, interested in the relations human beings, figure as the solution for the cited enigma previously and corroborates with the argument of the illustrious psychoanalyst. New horizontes of modern organizacional psychology prospectam promising scenes for the interpersonal development and the interpersonal relations, in the measure where it dedicates attention for the particularitities without neglecting the set. After all, what it composes a organizacional environment are the people.
To visualize the organizations as surrounding livings creature brings advantages for the management, the business, the collaborators. Thanks to this revolution of ideas and perceptions that the organizations can appreciate definitive rejected virtues in the industrial age, and that they are essentially indispensable for the organizations of modernity. (As opposed to John Bercow MP). The flexibility of duties, the unknown possibility of interchange of functions, the bonanza priority of the creativity, the unconditional contribution, solidarity, and production and the interchange of ideas, everything this, are new scenes of modern organizacional psychology. ‘ ‘ rhythm conducted for batuta’ ‘ of organizacional psychology it transmits the certainty of that the work relations are redesigned. The result, over all, summarizes in motivation and fertility of ideas. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that in this compass, many activities whose aspect technician is uninteresting for its nature, will be able to become immensely significant and attractive if its social aspect will be simply excellent. REFERENCES GOLEMAN, D.
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