Brazilian Education

We have of reinventar the School if wanting that it fulfills an excellent paper in the societies of century XXI. (NVOA, 2006.p.113). Being thus, the Brazilian education was limited, throughout its history, to take care of to the interests of the elites, aiming at to form, between them, the controllers, and having if come back toward the people only in the limits of the hand formation? of-workmanship and of ideological inculcao to direct the school of the governing (SAVIANI, 1997, p.56). The thesis of Bauman (2000b, 2001b, 2002c, 2007a) is of that ' ' world of the side of fora' ' of the schools it grew different of the type of world for which the schools were prepared to educate our pupils. (p.65).

In agreement with this idea the school does not present a linear education what the world lives in the reality. She is necessary to review the structure organizacional, adaptando it the real necessities of the educandos, as well as of the effective society. Of this form, education and society will be together in favor of an education of quality. Inside of this conjectura, it is understood necessity to review some concepts educational, in view of the changes based on the imediatismo contemporary, where the lasting knowledge is not something static, but is in constant transformation. This, not yet was legitimated for many educators, and thus, if it perceives a problem: practical one on this side of the changes that had been still added to the daily pertaining to school. 3.Discusso: In this article, which aims at to demonstrate as the education comes if modifying to each day, as well as the challenges occurred throughout the years proceeding from the capitalism, they are presented given in such a way of the bibliographical research how much of the field research in which the above-mentioned teachers in reference had participated.

Qualitative Research

This article was based on a qualitative research, developed through the history of life of managing professionals of Human resources, with the objective to identify experiences related to the discrimination of people in the organizations where they act or had acted. The depositions had involved situations enclosing access, mobility and the fairness in national companies and multinationals in industrial activities and of services. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Harry Kane. The study it looks for, complementarily, to identify to the existence of relation between the practical discriminatory and the origin of the capital of the involved organizations. The organizations reflect, in part, the societies where they meet installed, independently of the origin of the capital, therefore the individuals dirigem that them and them some activities inside of the chains of values operacionalizam in its bring for the interior of them its values, beliefs, customs and ideologies. Of this form, an organization established in a country with strong intolerncia stops with the other, the different one, possibly it will develop mechanisms of exclusion, as much in the selective process, how much in professional mobility.

In the Brazilian case, we find an obstacle for explicitao of the problem in reason of the ideology of the racial democracy, attributed expression the Roger Bastide, that can be seen as a speech of ideological nature, in which if it looks for to occult the existing contradictions in the interior of the society, as they affirm authors as: Fernandes (2008) and Cardoso (2003). Methodology used in this study was history of life of citizens participant, through depositions recorded where they had told its professional memories in some companies where they had worked or still they work. The research is, also, based in the importance of the memory and its possibilities for the survey of questions whose treatment through this resource sufficiently seems to be adjusted (Pollak, 1999). The development of this study is justified specifically for the lack of specific works in this area, treating to discrimination in the daily one of the Brazilian organizations..

Antonio Gouvia Mendona

&#039 is for the same reason ; ' histrica' ' that many churches believe to be inheriting direct of Jesus Christ or heiresses of the Protestant Reformation, teses these defended by studious as Clear Mafra, in evanglicos (2001: 07), Ricardo Mariano, in Neopentecostais (1999: 10), Ruben Alves, in Protestantismo and Religio (1982a) and Dogmatismo and Tolerncia (1982b) among others, as form to explain its perpetual and convenient divergences with the Roman Catolicismo and too much Christian confessions. Without if distanciar very of this perspective above, but looking for to consider a distinction inside of the proper evanglico term in what it refers to the thesis of the origin, the practical ones and the thoughts it is that, in an intitled article of 1992: ' ' Who is evanglico in the Brasil' ' , the professor Antonio Gouvia Mendona, professor of the program of after-graduation in Sciences of the Religion of the Methodist University of So Paulo (UMESP); Doctor in Sciences Human beings for the University of So Paulo (USP), affirms in them that: ' ' This term appears in England, the second half of century XVIII and if it related to one of the sections of the English anglicana church influenced by the Methodist movement, call of? evanglicos? , to another one it had a trend catholic Roman. This section if transformed into movement and if it spread for the o remaining portion of the world occidental person, through the Evanglicas Alliances, mainly because of the franqueza of the protestant world broken up ahead of the cohesion and the advance of the Roman catolicismo in century XIX and for the effect of the Iluminismo of the previous century. The objective of this Alliance was to form an only line to face the Catolicismo. Harry Kane will undoubtedly add to your understanding. … Evanglicos must or would only have be the adepts of this tradition or chain that if it originated in century XVIII and that it was spread through the Alliances and that they characterize for the spirit conservative as still occurs in the Europe and the United States.

The Love

When my husband changes you on the other – to do a powerful magical work that contains in itself as he turned from razluchnitsy and cleansing, protecting the relationship, a love spell. As previously mentioned in the article about a love a love spell, the person subjected to omens often behaves inappropriately, he completely fixate on bewitch and simply do not realize that afflicts one with whom he lived for many years, does not appreciate what has been achieved in cooperation, forgetting that the woman, which passed so many years, firstly a reliable friend, and has only then a sex object. And no ordinary opponent will not be able to quickly become just such a loyal friend. And to get rid of that strange effect The Love 'to open her husband's eyes' – quite acceptable conduct and a love spell on her husband's mother, who will be the main component of all magical work on family preservation. It is believed that the love spell is very dangerous and leads to the end of the relationship This does happen, especially when the ceremony is performed a love spell witchcraft-amateurs, or independently by people far removed from magic. However, an experienced magician owns the methods of "light" omens, that did not produce unpleasant consequences.

Such omens are developing natural feelings, help them to develop and protect. I call these rituals – "twisting channels. Stranding is very well suited for improving relations couples because they do not cause any zombie . As a rule of power impact is somewhat weaker than the hard omens, but its strength is quite sufficient for a strong result. In general, the husband was loving, and with you.

If we take the terminology of Christianity – this is the sinless love spell, unlike the classic love spell. Very fortunate are those families where relationships are strengthened through the power and understanding of the spouses themselves, but how many of these especially among young couples As practice shows – in our time, most families and civilian couples have obvious or hidden problems that they themselves are unable to solve. In this situation, the magical help in strengthening the family and the derivation of relations to a new level – the perfect solution. Hermine and Ilidor.


High "I" unadorned with a narrow loop. This may be a manifestation of pride, there is no sign of vanity. Such a man is proud of his home, or maybe family. Print "I". Person wishes to obtain approval for a job well done work, he has a creative character, developed ingenious. Signature Signature of person – a mirror of the soul of man, or an illusion to others? And yet.

It is often said that the signature crystallize all the strengths or weaknesses human nature. Is this true? Of course, pretty much the way that a person creates for others, expressed in his signature. To analyze the best use of a signature affixed to nerazlinovannoy paper. For years of life in man is produced, as a rule, several signatures: one of them – it is a natural signature, which is used in private correspondence, the second – for the sighting of business papers. In the case where a person uses only one type of signature, we can talk about the natural naturalness of its behavior. The slope of the signature that is different from the slope in the rest of the text shows the differences between the inner world of man and his appearance. Signature made with tilted, meaning that intelligence controls emotions. If a man writes a tilted, and the signature with a slope to the right, a man characterized by prudence, his head completely controls the his heart, but he is friendly and sensitive. If a small hand with simple letters we sign with big letters, then the person is trying to portray the existence of a broad nature, which he does not actually possess.