We have of reinventar the School if wanting that it fulfills an excellent paper in the societies of century XXI. (NVOA, 2006.p.113). Being thus, the Brazilian education was limited, throughout its history, to take care of to the interests of the elites, aiming at to form, between them, the controllers, and having if come back toward the people only in the limits of the hand formation? of-workmanship and of ideological inculcao to direct the school of the governing (SAVIANI, 1997, p.56). The thesis of Bauman (2000b, 2001b, 2002c, 2007a) is of that ' ' world of the side of fora' ' of the schools it grew different of the type of world for which the schools were prepared to educate our pupils. (p.65).
In agreement with this idea the school does not present a linear education what the world lives in the reality. She is necessary to review the structure organizacional, adaptando it the real necessities of the educandos, as well as of the effective society. Of this form, education and society will be together in favor of an education of quality. Inside of this conjectura, it is understood necessity to review some concepts educational, in view of the changes based on the imediatismo contemporary, where the lasting knowledge is not something static, but is in constant transformation. This, not yet was legitimated for many educators, and thus, if it perceives a problem: practical one on this side of the changes that had been still added to the daily pertaining to school. 3.Discusso: In this article, which aims at to demonstrate as the education comes if modifying to each day, as well as the challenges occurred throughout the years proceeding from the capitalism, they are presented given in such a way of the bibliographical research how much of the field research in which the above-mentioned teachers in reference had participated.