It forgets that the Brazilian capitalism is established in the superexploration of the work. It dreams, therefore, with a Sweden in a country of immense levels of poverty But it counts on the total and unrestricted support of the media (TVs, radios, periodicals), eager for divulging leaders syndical who defend the capitalism The CUT, in turn, was born around the new unionism, of the unionism more militant than if it constituted from middle of the decade of 70 and agglutinate independent syndicalists (that is, without previous militancy), socialist and communist sectors of the left catholic, disentailed trends of the parties of the traditional left, among others trends. Having as axle of its action the support to the economic fight of the workers against the wage wage freeze and the superexploration of the work, was extended significantly throughout the decade of 80. It also canalized its fight in favor of the full autonomy of the unions front to the state and since its third National congress, carried through in Rio De Janeiro in 1986, assumed, in its Program, a commitment of combat to the capitalism and of fight for the construction of the socialist society. Its main trends are: the Joint, majority, more syndicalistic grouping and with little politician-ideological emphasis, of which some syndical controllers participate that have significant national projection and the CUT for the Base, with a lesser, expressive presence and that it assumes a profile ideological politician and of left, accented, of marcadamente socialist inspiration. You strike in them and the disputes between these other existing trends or that they are come close incorporating, the CUT has advanced in its trajectory, consisting hojeem a strong Centralcom more support of the organized sectors of the diligent classroom.
If it is possible esteem the existence, in 1988, of approximately 7426 unions in our country, of which 4277 are urban and 3149 agricultural are given extracted of the IBGE, Ministry of the Work and the CUT), the Only Central office of the Workers has presence next to those unions more expressive, more organized, with bigger tradition of fights. The Cgt is supported by ample parcel of the old syndical bureaucracy and subserviente, inheritance of the atrelado unionism of the getulista time and of that if they proliferate during the military dictatorship. E, also, of that, to ideological certainty, they had opted to the defense of the capital, as you lead they make them of ' ' unionism of resultados' '. In way that, to the end of years 80 and beginning of 90, the syndical picture is sufficiently distinct of that existing one in the previous decade: those that in some way is inserted in the defense of the interests of the workers, find its natural stream bed in the action of the CUT. Those that, in turn, wants to integrate and to conciliate the fight between capital and work, in such a way find its way in ' ' moderna' ' syndical bureaucracy, how much in the called source unionism of results. USI (Unio Sindical Independente) is inexpressiva in terms of social bases effective and controls the majority of the Confederations that still they practise the archaic, contrary peleguismo to the interests of the workers. Therefore, the unionism of the end of 80 years and beginning of 90, beyond resistance that come playing since the birth of the militant unionism, will also have hunting time clearer conformation ideological politics, between that they defend the order of the capital and those that, in some way, insert its fight in the anticapitalist universe.