That US Borders To Achieve Our Dreams

Many times for fear of a situation that we have created in our minds we are paralyzed to take new challenges that life presents us with and what slows us down? Always by predisposition, there are negative thoughts that do not allow us to see beyond our noses; the origin of these thoughts is rooted in many hidden aspects of our childhood, and see how our grandparents and parents mostly had prejudices when it comes to raising us, we can understand that those fears have their raison d ‘ etre on those fears. Scanning, since the child is learning to crawl always the father is above him, even to take their first steps, if the child tries to climb a Chair then comes the father with a cry of alarm to lower it. Obviously this kind of situations are now stored in the subconscious of the child and the time to take any initiative, this will always have doubts that will stop to take any decision. The same true thoughts regarding money, from small we are instilling thoughts as money is dirty, the rich do not go to heaven, all the rich are thieves, I am poor but honest and stop you tell that we are paralyzed to take initiatives to new opportunities presented to us in the road where you can acquire large sums of money since it goes against our principles. Hence it comes that man by nature is so conformist and little dreamer; practically the majority of persons living with a misguided philosophy of life of as you go coming are seeing, without planning, goals, dreams or ambitions, still few people really dare to take that step, even having the opportunity to knocking them on the door. The day that humans understand that what locks you to reach their dreams is not a Government, a country, a family, the environment, etc., but the main enemy of his success sees it every day in the mirror, that day will be the first step to achieve their dreams. Ricardo Guillen Ball.