You have a surprise! If you’re organizing a trip where you will have to go several people or a very large group of people you can purchase a special discount. A Mexican airline that always has low prices is offering even more discounts if travel many people, so I think that this is the opportunity that you and your friends were looking for. The only thing you have to do is to be sure of who will go to your trip, for example, if you are going to go study tour get a list of attendees and if there are more than 10 promotion applies to you. This package for groups offers very good discounts on the base price. Once you have counted the audience and you’re sure that are more than 10 you have to contact to this airline so they traded you your flight with the package for groups. Once you have the quote you can buy your tickets in the conventional way or through the internet portal, where you can also find all other services that offer such as for example the car rental discounts. Contact this airline and discovers that the package for groups is the best choice for your great trips by how much you will save.