The organization Catholic by the Right To decide placed, in the State Capital of Quertaro, nine spectacular announcements of the campaign ” Another catholic glance of aborto” , of which seven were closed in the municipality of Quertaro. The members of the group that sent the campaign impute such closings to a censorship luck since the announcements at issue transmit the idea that the Church does not condemn to the abortion in certain cases, while invites the population to visit the Web site: , this in order that they know the cases in which the Canonical Right exempts of excommunication the women who decided on the abortion. The objective of this campaign is the one to bring back to consciousness to the catholic women on the reasons in which the Church considers to the abortion, communicating the foundations on which the Code of Canonical Right for this exoneration, established in canon 1323, as well as other arguments is based in which the catholic tradition leans to support the right of the women to decide on its maternity. nine spectacular ones were placed the 31 of May of 2010 and it was tried that its exhibition lasted a month. Nevertheless, 4 of June I carry out the first closing on the part of the Sedesu (Secretariat of Viable Development) of the queretano Municipality, through the Direction of Urban Development. The closing I carry out myself under the legal argument of which these closings are part of ” Program of Stabilisation of Espectaculares” Announcements; , with base in the dated official notice of press the 8 of June.
This, the catholic group blames such closings as a direct censorship to its campaign, because the form in which the same was carried out blocked the image completely, of little conventional form, since the seal of ” was not placed; clausura” , but they completely painted spectacular of target, nullifying the trade name. To these closings one is added realised in the city of Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco. Reason why the catholic organization is on the matter awaiting an answer of the justification of these penalties.